
Well Known Member
Has this ever been done? Not really liking how close the panel will be to my 53 Y.O. eyeballs.

My idea is to move just the CENTER section of the panel back 2" with standoffs around the perimeter, and then fab some kind of bezel to cover up the rest of the gap.

I realize that there is not an abundance of space for avionics behind the panel, but the new gear (Skyview, etc.) tends to be quite narrow. Com could be an issue, but Becker and others make pretty short units.

Also realize that CG goes a tad bit forward, but with FP Catto out front that should not be an issue either.

Don'cha love that word Experimental?
Wouldn't a REALLY good set of spectacles be a better solution? At 36, I never fly without them....one pair of Rx glasses and one pair of Rx sunglasses.
On your next Vans order , get a extra instrument panel , only $28 . You might be able to "box " center area in , worth a try .
What about moving the seat

Consider the tall pilot option....even if you are NOT a tall pilot. Moves the seat back aft. With adjustable pedals this may be an easy solution
Not a Problem!!!!!

Has this ever been done? Not really liking how close the panel will be to my 53 Y.O. eyeballs.

My idea is to move just the CENTER section of the panel back 2" with standoffs around the perimeter, and then fab some kind of bezel to cover up the rest of the gap.

I realize that there is not an abundance of space for avionics behind the panel, but the new gear (Skyview, etc.) tends to be quite narrow. Com could be an issue, but Becker and others make pretty short units.

Also realize that CG goes a tad bit forward, but with FP Catto out front that should not be an issue either.

Don'cha love that word Experimental?

....Go to our web site and have a look at our "Almost A 14 Seat Mod." This will give you about 6" more from head to panel. I had exactly the same issues. Thanks, Allan :D
....Go to our web site and have a look at our "Almost A 14 Seat Mod." This will give you about 6" more from head to panel. I had exactly the same issues. Thanks, Allan :D

Allan, I don't think that is going to work too good on an RV-8. Just a thought.
Hmm, some of the older radios and transponders are pretty long, moving the panel back may present a problem. Take some measurements to make sure, if you are planning on using older equip.

Bird, good catch. I have a standard panel. My current transponder does not have 2" to spare at the back once I include the antenna and harness connector.

Steve, I suspect pushing the panel 2" will be a lot of work and complications. I'd sooner look at seat adjustment options.
worked in my 4

I moved the panel in my RV 4 5.5 inches forward and it worked perfectly. The limiting factor was the length of the transponder.
Consider the tall pilot option....even if you are NOT a tall pilot. Moves the seat back aft. With adjustable pedals this may be an easy solution

The "tall pilot" option as designed by vans, only moves your upper torso rearward. More options can be had with adding an extra seat back mounting hinge. See the thread linked below for photos of how I did this.


If anyone else will fly your 8, you will want the flight adjustable rudder pedals [standard].

Abundance of room?? Not on my bird.

When you say move it "back" do you mean aft towards the pilot or forward towards the firewall? If I moved mine forward an inch, nothing would fit. The radio stack would hit the z-support and the adahars shelf would hit the g3x panels. Aft...now there is an idea. To late for me....but I could certainly use some more room back there. Of course everything depends on your avionics choices.
Abundance of room?? Not on my bird.

When you say move it "back" do you mean aft towards the pilot or forward towards the firewall? If I moved mine forward an inch, nothing would fit. The radio stack would hit the z-support and the adahars shelf would hit the g3x panels. Aft...now there is an idea. To late for me....but I could certainly use some more room back there. Of course everything depends on your avionics choices.

If you re-read I said "not an abundance of room", but again, I think it would be enough with Skyview, remote xpdr and a short com radio.

I bring this ideaa up because in my opinion the 8 panel is significantly closer and 'in your face' than my 9. I know I'm not alone in this opinion, seems like a recurring theme when discussing shortcomings of 8 ergonomics along with Front Stick Too Far Forward and No Heat in Back Seat.

I think I'm going to mock it up. I'll post a photo.
If you re-read I said "not an abundance of room", but again, I think it would be enough with Skyview, remote xpdr and a short com radio.

I bring this ideaa up because in my opinion the 8 panel is significantly closer and 'in your face' than my 9. I know I'm not alone in this opinion, seems like a recurring theme when discussing shortcomings of 8 ergonomics along with Front Stick Too Far Forward and No Heat in Back Seat.

I think I'm going to mock it up. I'll post a photo.

Apologies, I misread it. I chose to modify my panel shape and feel that modifications like that make the plane more "mine". I'm sure you will feel the same if this one works. Give it a shot and let us know how it works out.
2" center panel setback

Here's the general idea. I like the look and increased panel-to-pilot spacing, but the obvious downside is that avionics space is reduced to 8" at the top and 10" at the bottom, and of course even less distance to the dreaded horizontal support on the fwd baggage bulkhead. Will definitely limit the choice of avionics. Garmin IFR gear (430W, etc.) will most certainly not fit now without penetrating the baggage bulkhead. Always compromises.

Has this ever been done? Not really liking how close the panel will be to my 53 Y.O. eyeballs.

My 50 Y.O. eyeballs get a little worse each year. It'd be a shame to go to all that trouble only to find it inadequate two years from now. I say get some good glasses and build on.
My 50 Y.O. eyeballs get a little worse each year. It'd be a shame to go to all that trouble only to find it inadequate two years from now. I say get some good glasses and build on.

It's not really so much about the eyesight.... like most 50+ guys I do use readers.... I just never have liked how close the panel is on the 8. Maybe I would just get used to it.
Hi Steve.

If it helps I have flown various military and civil types over the years and my initial impression was the 8 panel was a bit in your face. I went to my local optician and took the eyes to panel measurement for the bifocal distance and with a mock pair drew the top of the panel on them to get the upper height of the bifocal lens. To that I added a drive tint ie it reacts not to UV but a different part of the light spectrum as the canopy filters nearly 100% UV (my optician checked a sample). I only have 50 hours on my 8 but with those tailor made light reacting glasses I have no issues with the close up panel at all. (50+ :cool:)
Them eyes ain't gonna get better.

I am way past 53, and would suggest that placing the panel at the best distance from your eyes now may not be of any value in a few years. You will probably reach the point where there is not enough space in the airplane to get far enough away to focus on the instruments. And, even if you could, they would become so small that being in focus wouldn't help. In short, allow for change in your eyes regardless of which path you take with the construction. Besides, one day you will probably have cataract surgery, and your eyes will be like they were 25 years before, and you can start the process all over again.

Ask me how I know all this.
I ended up making a carbon fiber instrument panel that is moved back by 1 inch. Also I have long legs so I ended up making cut outs on the bottom. Not bad for an afternoons work with some fiber board and primer.


Thanks to all for the feedback and advice. I love being able to bounce ideas off other builders, and the inspiration that I get from the responses. In this case, as most responses have tried to talk me out of it, I'M DEFINITELY GOING TO DO IT! :D For those interested I will post some photos once I get it done. I think it will be a unique mod that addresses several of my personal dislikes about the 8 panel ergonomics:

Panel too close and 'in your face'
Stick clearance under panel
Knees too close to bottom of panel

I also plan to trim the top fuse skin overhanging the panel proportionately. I think the outcome will be an overall more spacious feeling and open cockpit. We shall see.

Thanks again guys for your feedback.
Steve, you also might want to consider the RV8 "tall pilot" optional seat rest from Van's. Its an alternate weldment that moves the top of the front seat back about 2" to the rear and fits in the same mounting holes as the original support.

I used it on my '8 and it moved my head back about 2-3 inches and increased the front seat room. It moves the top of the front seat back but does however, reduce the rear seat room somewhat.