
Well Known Member
I have Vans lighting system 6, which includes combo strobe/nav lights for the wingtips, and a combo strobe/tail light. There are instructions for wiring them up, but no instructions for physically mounting the light fixtures. Does anybody know of a builder's site that has this process well documented? I'm reluctant to go cutting holes in my fiberglass tips without something to go on.
You might want to get the nav. light extentions Vans sells also.
it helps in making the lights a little more visable.
My .02
Rear position light mount

I am also looking for how some have mounted the rear position light/strobe in the RV-9A. I saw someone had glassed or glued in the nuts that mount and hold the light together. Now that I need it, I cant find it. Question. Does glassing in those little #4 nuts really hold? Plus do you put oil or wax on the screw threads so it will release after stuff sets up?

RV9-A Emp done
Working on fiberglass, HS glass done.
Mike Schipper's way

I like Mike Schipper's way. He filled the area with epoxy, and then drilled the mounting holes in the hardened epoxy, and then tapped the holes for the screws. Then he just screwed em on in.

I think I'll try that.
I recommend the extensions Van's sells

I have Vans lighting system 6, which includes combo strobe/nav lights for the wingtips, and a combo strobe/tail light. There are instructions for wiring them up, but no instructions for physically mounting the light fixtures. Does anybody know of a builder's site that has this process well documented? I'm reluctant to go cutting holes in my fiberglass tips without something to go on.

I used the extensions Van's sells and although I had/have very little experience with fiberglass, it turned out not to be as hard as I expected.

I've got pictures and what I did posted at following link:

But short story of big steps is shown in following pics.

First marked cutout:


Then filed a mating surface at opposing 45 degree angles between the two parts, applied epoxy to that surface with reinforcing cloth laid up on inside, and taped in place to cure:


Here's view of inside wiring with lights installed (I used the small screws with nylock nuts):


And after some finishing work:


Good luck!