
Well Known Member
Just wondering if anyone has had any issues mounting the ADAHAR on the back of the G3X screen? I have heard of some possible vibration issue if it is mounted there.
Can?t imagine the vibration issues would be any worse. However, if the ADHRS is mounted to the back of the G3X, it would be harder to remove the screen for access to everything else.

My ADHRS isn?t attached to the screen and I?m very glad of it.
Just wondering if anyone has had any issues mounting the ADAHAR on the back of the G3X screen? I have heard of some possible vibration issue if it is mounted there.

Hello Mehrdad,

We designed the GDU 450/455/460/465/470 displays with mounting support for the GSU 25 ADAHRS for those that might want to mount it there and had an instrument panel that was rigid enough where it would work well there.

Unfortunately, many aircraft don't have such a panel. For example, one of the first aircraft to receive a G3X Touch system was Van's RV-12, and even with Van's help, we never could make the instrument panel rigid enough, so had to mount the ADAHRS in another location.

This isn't considered a big deal by many, because most find it convenient to occasionally remove a display to make a big hole in the panel for working on things behind the panel, and it is very convenient to NOT have the ADAHRS mounted to the back of the display with pitot/static/AOA lines.

Garmin's RV-7A has both GSU 25 ADAHRS mounted to the Van's Aircraft RV-7/9 AHRS mount in the tail, which works very well.


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Hi Mehrad--

I upgraded my F1 last year to an all Garmin G3X based system and struggled to find a remote location for the AHARS due to other packaging constraints. I ended up mounting it to the G3X knowing that I might have to re address the issue, but have had no problems at all.

I do think that it could be very application specific, however.

Thank you all for your feedback. I have tentatively reserved a location n the sub-panel. It would have been very convenient on the back of G3X but it may pose less convenience late on if I have to do any work on behind the penal.
Edit: How accurately does it have to be mounted in relation to the roll and pitch axis? Is 7 degree off from the pitch axis reasonable to do I need to aim to get it far closer?
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Mounting location

Mounted mine on the G3x also, works great no problems, rock solid and as close to center position as I could get it.

Think I remember at some point reading Garmin set it up to be mounted there, screw holes and all. Not sure why so many folks don?t mount it there?