Rick B.

I purchased the Vans parking brake kit to install on my 7. I'm ready to mount the adapter plate to the firewall. Should a backing plate be installed on the forward side of the firewall opposite the adapter plate or is it ok to just countersink the firewall and rivet away?
Not the best picture but I didn't back mine up with a doubler. My A&P IA friend thinks that I should live through first flight with it like this:


Does this help?

:confused: CJ
Yup that helps. Your picture leads me to believe that you are mounting your bracket pretty low on the firewall. Are you concerned about interferance with the pedal assemblly? I don't know how much travel is required and I'm 6'-3" so my pedals are all the way forward.
No I am not concerned. The RV-6 I am flying now doesn't require that much travel. I don't expect the -7 will need that much more.

:) CJ