
Well Known Member
How should I mount the headset plugs? I don't have any instructions, and I can't find anything on the 'net or archives here. I have plastic shoulder washers, thinner rigid plastic washers, and some metal washers that came with my kit. I'm guessing the order of things from top to bottom would be:
  • nut
  • metal washer
  • rigid plastic washer
  • airframe
  • plastic shoulder washer (pointed "up" sitting in the airframe hole)
  • plug

Probably a dumb question, but I'm feeling dumb today.

sounds good...

The lip of the plastic shoulder washer should point toward the plastic washer. As long as the plug body doesn't touch the airframe, you are good to go...
mic/phone jack locations

I mounted mine in the "arm rest" so as to keep headset cords off my lap. That "T" washer is to keep the jack stack electrically insulated from the mounting penetration. The arm rest thickness works perfect with that washer.
Check the drawing.


I bought my intercom and radio from Vans and there was a drawing included in that package.

If you like, I can scan a coulpe of pages and send you from the Vans DWG. They are pretty good.

By the way: I mounted mine on beetween the seats on the bar which the seatback "lean on" and I'm very happy with the loaction.