
Well Known Member
...so that it will capture the instrument panel(s) on at least one side, both occupants, and the outside view? Some of my instructional videos could benefit from being re-shot.

Somebody must have already come up with a good solution!

Other things being equal, just buy from Amazon? Any accessories appropriate, beyond a spare battery?

Use it in conjunction with a GoPro I've already got?


Accessories-wise, there's a vibration-isolation accessory that would be a good idea, and probably the $20 audio input adapter. Be aware that it blocks the battery hatch, so you'll want to connect it to an external power source for extended flights.

Don't cheap out on the SD card, and avoid Amazon, since they have a history of counterfeits getting mixed into their supply stream. Buy from a place like B&H where a bad card would be a serious hit to their reputation.
...so that it will capture the instrument panel(s) on at least one side, both occupants, and the outside view? Some of my instructional videos could benefit from being re-shot.

Somebody must have already come up with a good solution!

Other things being equal, just buy from Amazon? Any accessories appropriate, beyond a spare battery?

Use it in conjunction with a GoPro I've already got?


On page 360 of Dan’s trip report he shows his Insta 360 oneX2 in the baggage compartment .