
Looking for ideas on where to mount a canopy breaker in an RV-4. Presumably it should be accessible from both seats.
I mounted mine, one of those automotive hammer dealies, to the side wall below the roll bar. It is accessible from both seats.


It comes with the mount which can be secured in a number of ways. The one I got, from Amazon, is the ?Lifehammer Brand Safety Hammer?.
Will they actually break plexi?

Those tools are made to break tempered safety glass --- will they actually work on plexi?

Make sure that when inverted and leaned forward toward the instrument panel you can still reach it.

I feel your escape will be to smash a small hole, insert device that made the small hole and chase any crack you can start.

Once it is about 18" long you will attempt to birth yourself through the crack.

If you have time, make a triangular hole from multiple starting holes connected.

I like camping axes with heavy wide blades. You may not have much room to swing.
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My question is not where

Looking for ideas on where to mount a canopy breaker in an RV-4. Presumably it should be accessible from both seats.

Great to make it accessible to both front and back seats, a more basic question is would it work on our canopy?
I know they work fine on tempered glass, but plexiglass?

Yep the video shared looks like it would work

Great to make it accessible to both front and back seats, a more basic question is would it work on our canopy?
I know they work fine on tempered glass, but plexiglass?


Thanks for including the video.
