
Well Known Member
I'm Looking for some good reading on the subject of mountain flying. I Have checked EAA's site under books and videos, Air craft Spruce's books and videos and here with no luck to speak of :( . I'm sure they are out there somewhere, can someone lead me in the right direction :) ?

Flying the Mountains

dougknight said:
I'm Looking for some good reading on the subject of mountain flying. I Have checked EAA's site under books and videos, Air craft Spruce's books and videos and here with no luck to speak of :( . I'm sure they are out there somewhere, can someone lead me in the right direction :)
Doug, first, I'd like to say congratulations on doing some research. I got mountain flying training here in Switzerland, and I can tell you that if you are planning to fly in the mountains, getting some training is very important. Good job.

I also have a book that I read as a refresher before I take off on a trip into the mountains, and it seems to cover all the important stuff. It is Flying the Mountains by Fletcher Anderson.

It's difficult for me to give you a clear opinion on this book, since I already had training before I read it, but like I said, it seems to be good. I've also heard that a book by Sparky Imeson is good, but I have not seen it.

Flying in the mountains is really a lot of fun, but I can tell you that almost all the accidents we have here in Switzerland are "flatlanders" getting themselves into trouble because they didn't realize how different and how severe things can get when you fly in the mountains. Get informed!
AOPA web site for mountain flying information

If you're an AOPA member, go to, log into the member's section, and click on the Air Safety Foundation link. In the "ASF Library" section there's a link to a booklet that looks useful, and the "Free Online Courses" section has a self-paced interactive study module that, upon completion, is creditable towards the FAA "Wings" program.
Probably the single best book, in my mind, is Sparky Imeson's Mountain Flying Bible and Handbook of Flight Operations. It is more thorough than his shorter, but better edited, Mountain Flying Handbook.
Then, when you are done!

This has to be one of the ultimate mountain challenges... Expecially in Winter...This is a ski resort in France I think, but man, what a fun challenge.




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Thanks for the input guys, both books look like excellent reading material and are now on order to be added to my aviation library :) . Alan: good thing I don't ski (bad Knees) otherwise I might be tempted to try your spot in France. Looks like a real challange :eek: . I'll settle for the feel of that high mountain trout on the end of my line that I otherwise would not have been able to get to without the knowledge and confidence of flying and landing in the mountians ;) . Trout dinner on me :D !
