
Well Known Member
For those of you looking for a little push, a little motivation, N214SW has 10 hours on her. Today an RV-6 pilot with thousands of hours went up with me and he is an experienced aerobatics pilot. We did a full loop and a couple of rolls, then brought him back to the airport to get his plane and do some aerial photography. It is really slow without the wheel pants and we decided no more aero until those get put on, which should be within the week, hopefully. Here is a pic from today.

I didnt want to hijack Stoney's thread, but thought I'd share this for motivation, at least for me anyway.
Client in the Atlanta area needed some help with plumbing the engine in an RV. ( No specifics here on purpose to protect the innocent). Airworthy modes of transportation, or flight crew for a fast trip to 3J1 didnt materialize. SO---4 hours DRIVING, 2 hours making the plumbing changes, 4 hours driving back to Ridgeland, just in time to take my wife to dinner.
Motivation-----for those of us that need to go see people----that seals it for me. Gotta get re-acquainted with my 7.


PS---great job Stoney---very proud of you!
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Thanks to God that Tom is back

Not to hijack this thread, but I am so very happy to hear that Tom is active and mobile again. Welcome back brother.
That is one great looking airplane. Thanks for taking the time out from flying and testing to keep us posted. (I'm not sure I could)

The inspiration of your first flight has given me renewed motivation for sure. Keep us posted and be safe!
Stoney----we are all curious on the performance numbers, after you get the pants and fairings on. Keep us updated!

Way to go Stoney. Finally some great spring weather for phase 1.

Don Broussard KARA

RV 9 Rebuild in progress
So you obviously are doing the two-pilot phase 1 thing. Did this cause any issues, paperwork or otherwise, with the DAR? Or are they all 'with the program' by now?
Safety pilot

So you obviously are doing the two-pilot phase 1 thing. Did this cause any issues, paperwork or otherwise, with the DAR? Or are they all 'with the program' by now?

It must be stipulated in your operating limitations. My DAR told me he was going to put it in regardless in case I needed it. I wanted it and I'm glad I did. There are lots of setup things that need to be airborne (autopilot, AOA, etc.) and its most helpful to have someone help keep it level and eyes out the window. I'm not skilled at aero, but if you are going to do it, it has to be documented in Phase 1, so again it helps to have my friend.

Stoney----we are all curious on the performance numbers, after you get the pants and fairings on. Keep us updated!

Cylinder #2 runs hot and until I get the wheel pants on, I'll have to limit more flying. Hopefully more speed, less drag will help that. I have been having to fly it rich to help keep it below 400, so I'll be replacing some spark plugs, but better than replacing cylinders.
Cylinder #2 runs hot and until I get the wheel pants on, I'll have to limit more flying. Hopefully more speed, less drag will help that. I have been having to fly it rich to help keep it below 400, so I'll be replacing some spark plugs, but better than replacing cylinders.

Speed will help, but it's not the root of the problem. A 390 can be cooled at low speed and high power. Look hard at sealing. If you don't get it straightened out in Phase 1, fly it up here.

This was all knobs forward from 200 to 15,000, a data gathering run at 125 knots true all the way. Full rich, cowl door open, so a fair equivalent to where you are now.

CHT temps.

Speed will help, but it's not the root of the problem. A 390 can be cooled at low speed and high power. Look hard at sealing. If you don't get it straightened out in Phase 1, fly it up here.

This was all knobs forward from 200 to 15,000, a data gathering run at 125 knots true all the way. Full rich, cowl door open, so a fair equivalent to where you are now.

Thanks Dan, I'll keep monitoring it.
Thanks! Great timing.


Congratulations! and thanks for the motivation. It comes at a great time for me as I just finished inventorying my fuselage kit and have that overwhelming feeling of, what am I supposed to do with all of these non-deburred parts.

Thanks again for the motivation, I look forward to more photos, videos, and performance info.

Do you have the same air dams in front of #1&2 cylinders as the -10? Many of us have cut them down to lower the front cht's.
Thankfully on the RV-14 they are removable, so it wouldn't be too hard to experiment. It may be worth taking them off and creating new ones that are slightly shorter for #2 and seeing how it goes.
Do you have the same air dams in front of #1&2 cylinders as the -10? Many of us have cut them down to lower the front cht's.

I'm not sure if they are the same as the 10, I was thinking about removing it, but first I am going to see if the wheel pants help.
Acro & Speed

Just curious about the 'slow' comment...more in reference to acro or general performance?

Acro was normal, full loop with no issues and a couple of rolls, easy breazy. I shouldn't say it is slow yet, because I've had to stay at lower altitudes <4,000'. I haven't gotten over 145KTS yet. Once I get the wheel pants on, I will post again with any change in the numbers. I am hoping that will solve my cylinder temp issue, then I'm going to take it up to 8,000' and see what it will do. I'm expecting at least 180KTS. Definitely within the next couple of weeks.