
Well Known Member
I made my first of what I hope to be many runs down to Baja California Mexico this last weekend. Cleared customs at Puerto Penasco and then followed the coast at 1,000 feet AGL around the top of the Gulf of California and down the East side of Baja to Alfosina's. Just one night and then back to Phoenix with a stop at San Felipe to clear Mexico and one at Yuma to clear customs.. Only about 4 hours total flight time. Just enough to learn the ropes.
I also found out that on an hour long flight I am just as fast as an M20K Mooney with a TSIO-360. I am faster down low and the M20 is faster at altitude. When approching our destination airport we have to jockey for position to see who is first in the pattern.

Thanks Roger

Roger that's just what I needed before heading down to the shop this morning. Exceptional motivation ! Those Federalizes are a little scary though.
That's just the kind of post that really charges me up. Thanks;)
I like to avoid airports with machine gun armed guards that don't speak English, but that's just me. ;)
Is the M20-K the 231? If so that's neat that you can travel that far and be fighting for the pattern with your O-320 powered plane. Great pictures, thanks for sharing.
A trip to Alfonsina's is a great way to get your feet wet in flying to Baja (literally as well as figuratively!) I'd also suggest a trip farther south to Muleje -- the hotel lobby is 300 feet from the airfield parking area, and they make really good margaritas there. :)

Don't worry about the Federales. They're just doing their job, and I've never had the slightest problems or concerns. I'd rather have those guys hanging around my plane than the real bad guys hanging around it...
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Still Jazzed

When I got back after one night, mentally I felt like I had a week off.
That's what's so great about the RV's....Just like a time machine. I bet to drive that trip one way wouild have been 12 hours. You just can't beat the speed and economy of a RV.

Not sure all I know is it's an M20K.

Muleje is next on the list. Can't wait for the Saturday night pig roast!
could be either

The 'K' could be either the 231 or the 252. Square windows=231. Round windows=252.

Roger, great post. I have been over top Alfonsinas a few times but never landed. It looks like a nice beach. Mulege is great fun as is Laguna San Ignacio on the west coast for the whale watching. Our favorite spot so far for family fun is La Paz and staying at La Concha on the beach. you can catch a scuba trip right out front! I have never taken the "8" down yet since i have the seats full in the 210. did anyone give you a hard time about experimental?
We will be heading down again in April after ski season is over leaving the neck gaiters and hand warmers at home! If I take the RV I'll have to tape on some 12" numbers!
Thanks for the post, it is currently 18 deg here
RV8 bought flying

Is the M20-K the 231? If so that's neat that you can travel that far and be fighting for the pattern with your O-320 powered plane. Great pictures, thanks for sharing.

Not quite a fair comparison me thinks. That 231 can fly up to 28,000 ft(I believe), with four people on board. Pretty sure Roger couldn't/wouldn't go there with his two seats filled.

On the other side of that coin, I don't think the 231 can keep up with Roger if he starts looping and rolling. :)

he he
Off again!

Not quite a fair comparison me thinks. That 231 can fly up to 28,000 ft(I believe), with four people on board. Pretty sure Roger couldn't/wouldn't go there with his two seats filled.


You are absolutely correct about that. On an hour long flight we are even because the Mooney does not have enough time to take advantage of the turbo at altitude. If we were to go for 3 hours the Mooney would kick my butt!

Leaving for 3 days at Mulege MEX tomorrow morning!!!:D
Who cares that the 231 can go to 28,000 feet? Roger beat him fair and square and that's all that matters! Long live the RV-9!
Not quite a fair comparison me thinks. That 231 can fly up to 28,000 ft(I believe), with four people on board. Pretty sure Roger couldn't/wouldn't go there with his two seats filled.

On the other side of that coin, I don't think the 231 can keep up with Roger if he starts looping and rolling. :)

he he

Never race a plane with a turbo when traveling east. That's my motto.