
Well Known Member
Ran across this one today:



Among other things there was this little tidbit that seems like it would be of interest to some in the RV community:
EAA says that MOSAIC is intended to expand amateur-built pathways while leaving the traditional approach in place. Examples given by the organization of some of the proposed changes include allowing assistance from professional builders beyond the 51-percent rule and letting a contractor build a complete aircraft for a client.

I wish there had been a little more awareness/publicity associated with this so that us "regular joes" could get some input before the FAA writes their draft rulemaking proposal...

Anyone here have some insight they could share?

Also, if the quoted portion comes to fruition... that's pretty much the death knell for new Part 23 personal aircraft, outside of flight training and small charter/rental ops.
The proposed MOSAIC work is broader than just the 51% rule and assisted/hired-gun construction of experimental airplanes. It's also about the potential establishment of a risk-matrix-based decision processes for well-proven and well-known experimental aircraft models, that would allow one to determine appropriate and reasonable op limits based on how you want to use the aircraft and other input criteria such as proven risk performance.

It's also worth noting that the conversation around MOSAIC is intended to provide a way to expand the use and utility of established experimental aircraft, and specifically to ensure any new program does not create new limitations what's in place today.

I think FAR23 personal aircraft likely stand to be more impacted by ASTM 37 committee work (SLSA changes and expansion of which aircraft qualify there) than by the MOSAIC initiative.

OK, let me give some input here before this goes too far off track.

There has been a lot of behind the scenes work between EAA and the FAA on MOSAIC. I am honored to be a part of that process since early this year, but it has been happening even prior to this year. As a team, we spent a LOT of time with the real FAA decision-makers at Oshkosh, and I will tell you that I saw the FAA genuinely engaged, and leaving those meetings with as much excitement as we have! I was really impressed. Their excitement was REAL! I emphasize that because I know some of you will be naysayers when it comes to the FAA relative to change. But I have seen this first-hand now, multiple times. It will happen.

Not only will it happen, there will be a time for public input before it changes. It has to. This will be a Rule change, which is law. Everything we are discussing with the FAA is very notional at this point, and once the formal rulemaking process starts we are in fact prohibited by law from discussing the proposal with the Agency (or knowing any specific details of it) until it comes out for public comment, at which point anyone is welcome to submit input directly to FAA.

So for now, please be patient, don't jump to conclusions or go to the dark side. As it progresses and we can talk about it, we will. Just know that good people are involved on both sides.

As an example, one of the contributors here, Paul Dye (I'm sure some of you know him. :)), spent time with his airplane at OSH showing the Administrator how far we have progressed in the AB world. It was a home run! There is now a lot of pressure from WITHIN the FAA to get this done. We couldn't ask for it to be any better.

One thing you should all feel good about---- it is our safety record in the AB world that is giving us credibility and a reason for the FAA to look at changes. So, please, if you want to do something to help this along, FLY SAFELY and don't do silly things. We do get measured on the monthly fatal accidents, and so far we are doing OK. Let's keep it that way. It's a whole lot more fun to be discussing good changes as opposed to creating plans to drive down the accident rate.


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Amen Vic! Well said. It?s good to get this kind of information about the MOSAIC initiative from someone inside the Vans community that knows what the FAA point of reference is too. There are a lot of us that have been thinking about something like this for a long time...... and it?s about time! Please keep us informed.
Reviving this thread from 2018. Any news from Airventure 2022.
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Reviving this thread from 2018. Any news from Airventure 2022.

I will let Vic comment in depth but as I understand it (have not been in the meetings Vic mentioned), the enthusiasm may not be as great now since there has been a lot of turnover with the Feds. There are key people that understand and want things to happen but you need ALL of the players working to get the appropriate MECHANISM to make it happen. Lots of contributions from the folks at Vans as well. Jack Pelton (as I recall) made a reference to this at the member meeting during AirVenture.
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Hired guns…

They’re at work and have been for years…on the QT. The FAA is playing ‘catch-up’.

They’re at work and have been for years…on the QT. The FAA is playing ‘catch-up’.


It is very difficult to get a bureaucracy to change, takes a lot of time, and a lot of effort. It is not impossible.

I believe that the additional pilot program and the approval of some of the avionics we use in our homebuilt aircraft in certificated aircraft to be change that was needed.

Looking forward to changes to make things better and safer in all aircraft.