
Well Known Member
WHERE: Ottawa River - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
WHEN: Saturday, 24 February
WHY: For Mo's terrific chili, of course!

The 29th edition of Mo?s Fly-In is set for Feb. 24 a mile west of the Ottawa VOR on the frozen surface of the Ottawa River. The popular annual event is put on by Maurice Prud?Homme and attracts dozens of aircraft. Ski-equipped aircraft are recommended but if weather permits an ice runway will be plowed.

Some of us, including a particular Russian who infiltrated our boarders, have had a wonderful time out on the ice at Mo's on the Ottawa River. That's Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The event was cancelled for 2017 as a result of Mo having some health concerns. He's back up and running this year. The ice conditions should be very good. In past years Mo has had a terrific runway plowed on the ice, playing host to aircraft from ultralights through light twins.

Let's keep our fingers crossed for good weather. See you there!

Alfio's posting from a previous year gives a good flavor of what this fly-in is like.'s+fly-in
It conflicts with Mooselookmeguntic ice flyin in Maine I already committed. Will catch you next year guys. Always good times at Mo's!
I've seen twins go in there. The runway was crazy long when I flew in. It all depends on the weather.
Mark, wonder when we?ll know if they are going to be able to plow a runway?


Well, Terry, whether there will be a usable runway or not won't be known until very shortly before the event. We can have freeze/thaw cycles and freezing rain and huge snowfalls between now and the 24th. Or worse, we can have just plain old rain as we've had in years past. Nobody wants to be frozen into the slush that can form under such conditions. Mo has always been very prudent in his runway building.

I'll try to do a flyover a day or two before and provide a PIREP here..

Vlad - you can do the Moose and Mo's in the same day. Then post here with the title, "How many of you have landed on TWO ice runways in one day?" :D

Vlad - you can do the Moose and Mo's in the same day. Then post here with the title, "How many of you have landed on TWO ice runways in one day?" :D

Brilliant idea Mark! Can I get a sip from that flask of yours eh? (right pocket) :D

Brilliant idea Mark! Can I get a sip from that flask of yours eh? (right pocket) :D

Flask? What flask? :eek:
Oooooh, you mean the hot chocolate thermos I keep in that pocket. Sure thing, Vlad - I'll happily share! :D

I'll enquire as to a street address for those accessing by road and will post back here.
Street address in case one has to drive there...

28, chemin McKay, Luskville, Pontiac, Quebec J0X 2G0

I probably shouldn't say this, but some of us will undoubtedly use this address and our favorite on-line mapping application to figure out where we should be looking on the Ottawa River for a runway to magically appear! :)
I still have the mini-Bo, but lately I've been flying the daylights out of our Glasair Sportsman. If we see you on the ice next weekend I am hoping to arrive in the Sportsman.

Looking at that photo brings back good memories, Vlad. Wow, was the wind ever blowing that day. You nearly gave me a heart attack with your taxi methods. Perhaps we should install studs in our aircraft tires.

For those who weren't at Mo's the day that photo was taken, the wind was blowing straight across the runway, likely 10G20. The ice was quite slick so the big tail on Vlad's RV9A made taxiing... "fun", to say the least.
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Flew over Mo's this afternoon. The runway looks fantastic. Of course we still have several days to go before the fly-in, so stay tuned for more updates when they become available.
Lots of water on the ice with +5 and rain, maybe floats are going to be a better choice :D
Hopefully we?ll get a freeze-up before Saturday.
Mo?s Fly-in

How?s thing shaping up Mark?

Supposed to be a high pressure come through tonight, we may have a window in the weather.

Hope to see you there, Terry
Sorry, no flyover of the runway today. Freezing rain here right now, with the expectation it might warm up to be just rain later this evening. We might get down to freezing overnight. At the moment I'm hopeful the event will still be held, but I'm not overly optimistic.

I've asked one of Mo's friends to keep me in the loop with any developments. At this point we're hour-by-hour and dependent entirely on the weather. A few degrees drop in the temperature would be a most welcome development.
I just spoke with Mo... Runway is in excellent condition, no standing water. He has sanded the middle of the runway. I'm going to give it a shot!
Once again we had a terrific time out on the ice at Mo's today. The runway was in great shape. The taxiway/apron required judicious use of thrust and brake in order to steer.

The chili was terrific, as was the coffee, hot chocolate, cake, cookies etc.

And, as always, the best part of the day was, without doubt, the people. At least two RV's showed up, one RV6A and one RV8. I'm sure there were others that came before or after the time we were there. There were at least four helicipters, a DeHavilland Beaver, a C150 on skis (not wheel skis, straight skis!), various Cessna's, Pipers and a few amateur-built airplanes, too. Our Glasair Sportsman made her inaugural ice landing today with my wife on board, so my wife also got to experience an ice landing for the first time.

All in all, a pretty terrific day.
Mo's Fly-in - Ottawa River - 29th Edition

Hi Mark, that RV-6A would have been me! Sorry I missed you, we had to wait for the weather to lift around Sudbury. I think you were just leaving when we arrived.

That was fun, thank you to Mo and all the volunteers that put it on. Hope to see you next year.

Nice picture Terry! I had a thought of going but weather was very sketchy on our end. I went local instead and converted a seasoned airline pilot into an experimental believer. I might have a strong formation lead soon if anybody have a nice 7A for sale let me know. We will come as a flight of two to Mo's next event :D
Glad you could make it, Terry, and sorry we missed you. Our hold time on ice is limited by the temperature of my wife's feet, so blasting off when we did was fundamental to the "happy wife, happy life" principle.

I think we did indeed just miss you. If I recall there was an RV making an initial call about 10 miles out when we had just leveled off for our 500' tour up the river.

It was certainly interesting to watch some of the airplanes, especially the taildraggers, taxiing sideways in the wind. Much good airmanship was in evidence at this gathering.
Next year, Vlad, we'll be happy to see you and as many wingmen as you can convince to follow you northward. Sorry you couldn't make it this year but we all know winter weather is not to be trifled with.

Speaking of which, I bet Terry experienced a slightly longer return journey as a result of the winds. Recently we've been seeing 25kts or more from the west, even down at 3000'. It's great if you're heading eastbound, but not so hot on the westbound leg!
Mo?s Fly-in - Ottawa River 29th Edition

Speaking of which, I bet Terry experienced a slightly longer return journey as a result of the winds. Recently we've been seeing 25kts or more from the west, even down at 3000'. It's great if you're heading eastbound, but not so hot on the westbound leg!

Funny you should mention that, I?ve got a story.

So, you learn something every flight. Here?s what I learned yesterday.

I use Fore Flight to file my flight plans, yesterday on the way down we had a 4 knot tailwind. We were 2 hour 25 minutes going down. When I filed to come back Fore Flight used the mornings winds aloft to calculate the time enroute.

So there I was fat, dumb and happy at 10,500, but only seeing a 140 mph ground speed. As a result we we?re 3 hours coming home. When I called London Radio to cancel my flight plan I got a stern lecture on being over due.

Now, this was the same guy I talked to twice for weather. Once south of North Bay and once North of Gore Bay. I was on 126.7 which is also the frequency for London radio for the last portion of the trip. I had it in mind to update my ETA when I called for weather at Gore Bay, but I let it slip. My Bad! 😞

So the take away is that I have to update fore flights weather, before flying a return trip on the same day. Normally I?m within WIFI when l?m planning a flight, darn no WIFI at Mo?s. 😄

If I had thought about it I could have used the hot spot on my phone to update the weather, or I?m thinking I?m going to try one of those Scout ADS-B in receivers. That way I will have on board weather when I?m close to the US border.

Mo?s fly-in - Ottawa River - 30th edition?

Is it too early to start planning for the 30th edition of Mo?s fly in?

Is there going to be a 30th?

If so, has a date been set?

Terry - the date is set a year in advance if I'm recalling things correctly. I'll see if I can find where I've got that info tucked away. Would be great to see you out on the ice this winter!
OK, I have finally dug up the information...

DATE: Saturday, February 23rd, 2019
TEL: 819-682-5273
Air: 123.20 MHz
Ground: 122.75 MHz

The location hasn't changed!
Mo?s Fly-in - Ottawa River

OK, I have finally dug up the information...

DATE: Saturday, February 23rd, 2019
TEL: 819-682-5273
Air: 123.20 MHz
Ground: 122.75 MHz

The location hasn't changed!

Hi Mark, any word on how things are shaping up on the River?

I think I?m ready, fresh oil and all!

I just want to double check is it for skis only? I received a message a week ago that runway won't be plowed.
Mo?s Fly-in - Ottawa River

Hi Vlad, I?m hearing the same thing. A fellow emailed me referencing a post on face book saying they?ve had too much snow to plow a runway.

Weather is not going to allow me to fly today regardless.

Disappointed, Terry
It's "planned", but Mother Nature is being anything but cooperative. Just received a major dump of rain along with temperatures as high as +6C. Not conducive to ice formation.

As a general yardstick for ice conditions, the world's longest skating rink, the Rideau Canal in Ottawa, is carefully monitored for ice thickness. The opening of the canal to skaters is a pretty good indicator of ice conditions in the region. Many years the canal is open in the Christmas/New Year's time frame. It has opened as late as the first week of February (back in 2004 if I recall). The canal is not yet open for skating.

With this being the case it's a pretty safe bet that ice on the Ottawa River is in poor shape.

Stand by for further updates - if I hear anything I'll post back.