
Well Known Member
IAC19 is having its 3rd Annual Blue Ridge Hammerhead Aerobatic Competition. If you are in the area, stop by and show your support to Ron Schreck flying his RV8 in the Sportsman Class.

If interested in Basic, Gentleman Aerobatics or want to learn more about Aerobatic competitions, please don't be afraid to ask anyone. Im available for anyone interested! We want more RV flyers competing in Primary and Sportsman Class.

Thu Oct 1 Box Open for Practice at 8 am.
Fri Oct 2 8.00 am Box Open for Practice. Competition Starts at 1 pm
Saturday Oct 3. 8.00 am Competition continues and should be finish by 6 pm
Sunday RAIN DAY just in case.

If you Fly In, please listen to Unicom. Also read your NOTAMs. Aerobatic Box in on RH of Rwy 3 or LH of Rwy 21. if using Rwy 21 plan on flying RH Patterns for Rwy 21

See you there!
RV and Giles

Thanks Mitch for the post and RV plug, but also good luck yourself along with Ron.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower AL
May need floats

I would love to come watch, as its close by, but we may need floats the way things are looking here in the Carolinas...I hope there is a rain date farther out than Sunday if so.
Due to bad weather Fri and Sat (70% and ceilings below 1000 agl) we are forced to cancel the 3rd Annual Blue Ridge Hammerhead Aerobatic Contest at the Morganton Airport at this time. We are trying to reschedule for Oct 22 for Practice. Oct 23, 24 Competition. Rain Date will be on the 25th if needed. Stay put for more news
NEw Date Posted

WE ARE RESCHEDULED! OCT 10/23 Practice/registration. 10/24- 10/25 Morganton Airport! Come join us for the Blue Ridge Hammerhead IAC 19 Competition Festival! WE WANT TO SEE AS MANY RV's there!
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Most of the activity will happen Saturday. Sunday we should be done by noon. Hope to see some of you is practice day and set up!