
Well Known Member
This is a set of pictures from the CPA web site that one of their members posted. I found them to be rather spectacular and thought that others might also. There probably are a few RV's in some of the distant shots. I hope you find them as good as I. Not RV exclusively but definitely a good documentation of flying from CA to OSH. :)
Very inspiring photos. This is exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of when I started my project. Thanks.
Camera Used

I wish I knew what camera was used. I think that it must have been a good one as was the fellow clicking the shutter. Most if not all are professional grade and, to me, one of the best series I have seen. I am glad that you enjoyed them as did I. :)
Awesome, just awesome. Nice way to motivate us builders to keep on working!
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According to the EXIF info attached to the jpg, the camera used was a Nikon CoolPix S6 digital camera.


gar didericksen said:
Very nice job with the pictures. What kind of camera did you use.