
I'm New Here
Started a new thread on this so I could share my recent experience and get to the heart of the A.D.
For those of you that do care about A.D.s and wish to ensure compliance and safety with your airplane please read on...
First the AD is poorly written and somewhat vague. There is a descrepancy with the S/N's listed on the AD v.s. ECI's Service Bulletin, 05-08 Rev 1. The S/B states S/N's starting at 110, the AD states starting at 1. According to Joel Longoria of ECI, the FAA is aware but have not made the correction.

If you look at ECI's SB, on the second page, the paragraph below the pictures, the second sentance states, "Cylinders with part number AEL 65099 as described in Photograph 1 (above) AND with serial numbers 110-9879 are affected"..... The words to key in on are "as described in Photograph 1". Reason being, not only do you have to have the affected P/N, S/N in the range, but you also have to have the ECI Logo on your cyclinder for it to be affected by the A.D.!

I mentioned the A.D. was vague and this is why. It makes no mention of the logo. The ECI SB does not spell this out either, but if you have cylinders like I have, with the affected P/N and affected serial numbers but no ECI Logo, you are good to go. Make the call to ECI if you want to hear the information first hand.

The FAA has "For Further Information Contact" and that is Peter Hakala. (817)222-5145. I tried calling earlier today but he is out this week, returning monday.

Hope this all makes sense to everyone, just wanted to share the info before someone tears down their engine when they did not need to....
Thanks for listening,