
Active Member
From the EAA website:

November 20, 2008 ? The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced The Advance Information on Private Aircraft Arriving and Departing the United States final rule on Monday, November 17, with an effective date of December 18, 2008, and a compliance date of May 18, 2009.

Along with the Washington D.C. Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), which is reportedly about to be made permanent, and the Transportation Security Administration?s Large Aircraft Security Program (LASP) looming large on the horizon, it appears that much of general aviation will have new and troublesome federal regulations promulgated in the final days of the outgoing administration.

This latest set of security regulations comes from the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and elevates requirements for private aircraft entering or departing the United States to a level similar to those of commercial airliners. The rule requires private aircraft operators or their designees to electronically transmit advance notice and passenger/crew manifest information through CBP?s Electronic Advance Passenger Information System, or eAPIS, no later than 60 minutes before departing a U.S. airport for a foreign location or departing a foreign airport for a U.S. destination. Flights would be authorized to proceed only after vetting passenger and crew manifests through the terrorist watch list.

Read the full article here.
One of our state airports (Decatur, IL, KDEC) had a TSA/DHS visit recently and they will not be able to drive ANYTHING within the fence unless it's an aircraft!

No you can not drive to YOUR hanger

No you can not drop anything off at the plane

NO CARS/TRUCKS/ANYTHING driven on the airport, EVER.

God help us if this one spreads

This info was from our FBO owner at an EAA meeting so ought to be fairly reliable as he's obviously in touch with IL aviation matters, haven't fact checked myself but he was quite clear on the new rules there.

Anyone heard about something like this out there?
They have gone off the deap end.

What's with the cars/trucks inside the fence? It seems to me they can't implement that without a notice of proposed rule making. There is no need for such BS rules!

Is it time for a VAF PAC?
There is no way they have the man power to do this. Its just another B$ program to get more money in DHS's hands. As far as the no vehicles on the airport, sounds to me to like an over zealous bureaucrat in the local area that got a wild bug up his rear. These are the real bad guys, they think of something they know nothing about, and hope that their bosses will be impressed. Time to get your Representatives involved, its really the best way to get rid of them, prove his incompetence. Of course there is always the repercussions if it doesn't work. Either ways it seems like all of our freedoms are under assault.
ok off my box
What's with the cars/trucks inside the fence? It seems to me they can't implement that without a notice of proposed rule making.
It's just a new twist on the two magic words that allow the federal government to do anything it wants: "National Security", which now means "Homeland Security, Department of." Why? You don't need to know why.

No idea if it's related, but ADS has installed two sets of cameras to automatically recognize and record "N" numbers of all aircraft that use the airport. It's either for DHS or they are preparing to start charging landing fees. Saw them today, very obvious. An email from ADS management told us that they were coming, but offered no reasons why.