
I'm New Here
We will soon be pouring concrete for the driveway leading to my hangar. I was going to get 3 mooring eyes placed in the drive outside the hangar for times when either a guest or I need to park outside (my wife's already threatening to kick the -10 out to host scrapbook parties).

Does anyone know what the standard distances (if there are standards) between the thre eyes for a small plane?

Also, I found mooring eyes at Pacific Marine & Industrial ( does anyone know of a second manufacturer or vendor?

Thanks in advance!
As always....

We will soon be pouring concrete for the driveway leading to my hangar. I was going to get 3 mooring eyes placed in the drive outside the hangar for times when either a guest or I need to park outside (my wife's already threatening to kick the -10 out to host scrapbook parties).

Does anyone know what the standard distances (if there are standards) between the thre eyes for a small plane?

Also, I found mooring eyes at Pacific Marine & Industrial ( does anyone know of a second manufacturer or vendor?

Thanks in advance!

...the FAA has a standard....:)

In this case it's in the AC on Airport Design... and the relevant page is here...

The 45 ft spacing is good for singles and small twins. It could be reduced to 40 ft for Cessna 182 size and smaller planes.

The size of the yellow painted "T" is nicely dimensioned above.... I think these are the numbers you arr looking for.

Some of my airpark neighbors put bent pieces of rebar into the concrete when it was poured, with a cardboard tube to make the recessed hole.
Re-bar, or most any form of steel rod of adequate size. Re-bar rusts, so if you are in a wet place---------:eek:

Bend into a "U" shape, flare the tips out a bit, for additional holding strength.

Get some cheap stainless salad bowls, couple holes in the bottom for the rods, set the whole mess into the wet concrete.

I would suggest digging out a little deeper in the area of the tie downs, maybe a foot square and eight inched deep, just to give the slab more local strength. Also gives the legs of the hold down somewhere to go.

Good luck.