
Well Known Member

The third Saturday is upon us, so lets get together for lunch at our monthly RV luncheon. This Saturday we will meet at Carl's BBQ for some good BBQ. Nothing will get you more motivated to finish your plane than our RV get together and some good Texas BBQ. Carl's is located at Weiser Field on HWY 290 frontage road between Telge and Huffmeister. Also, for the March meeting let me know if you would like to host the group for a builder's visit.

Dave Syvertson
Iron and I are in!

I haven't been to Weiser, yet.

Unfortunately, Paul will be out-of-town for the March meeting but we could host April at Polly Ranch, if you have an opening for then. If not, I can host March.
Houston Montlhly RV Lunch

Got a few emails about the time. 11:30 am! Good BBQ, good friends and good conversation.

Louise, I would like to pencil you in for April if that is ok.

Dave Syvertson
Count me in

Haven't flown into Weiser in many years. I plan to fly my just-out-of-phase one 8 over. Hope they have a bit of transient parking.
Put April 20th on the calendar!

Nice gathering last Saturday! We enjoyed the group.

We will host the April 20th gathering at our hangar. The usual deal.....burgers and similar on the grill, sodas and water in the cooler, and others are encouraged to bring a small side dish, salad, desert, or make a small cash donation.

In addition, I'm going to spend the month getting the house ready to show for sale. This event will probably be the first opportunity for folks interested in buying a home and hangar in Polly Ranch to check out our house. We will also have "fly market"-style tables out with stuff to give away (want a couple of roll-around, old tires for your project?) and sale. We have lots of extra aviation stuff that we won't want to move and attendees will have the first shot at buying it. We'll start advertising on VAF the following week.

More details in a few weeks.
New Clear Lake Member

Just joined the site. So, I'm stopping in to say hello to all my fellow Texans and Houstonians. I hope to meet you at the next third-Saturday meeting.

While I am a commercial pilot, I'm new to the RV world. Just purchased my tool set from Cleveland (added DRDT-2 and pneumatic squeezer). Planning to spend the next few weeks prepping my garage. Then I intend to purchase an RV-7A empennage mid-March-ish.

I was a military helicopter mechanic prior to becoming a pilot. However, I will be looking for help and suggestions. I have limited experience with sheet-metal, (that was a specialized job in the army).

I work a rotating 14 day on and 14 day off schedule, (Gulf of Mexico helicopter pilot). During my annual 183 days off, I'll have lots of time to work on the project. Perhaps more importantly, it will allow me the flexibility to meet with and or learn from local members of the group on their schedule. I'd love to see some of your shops and techniques.

Please feel free to PM me with suggestions, greetings, and introductions. I look forward to meeting all of you.
Welcome Dean!! Sounds like you we're made to build an RV. 183-days off? I am so envious. There are lots of builders here in the Houston area. Just shout if you need something.

Louise, Sounds like a good time as usual. So sad this will be the last one. Maybe we could have the 2014 April builders meeting in your new place.:D Seems like everyone will have to finish their RV's to make the trip. It's only a half cross country. :D
Louise, Sounds like a good time as usual. So sad this will be the last one. Maybe we could have the 2014 April builders meeting in your new place.:D Seems like everyone will have to finish their RV's to make the trip. It's only a half cross country. :D

Definately! We plan to have a great place for hangar gatherings at Dayton!

Dean, hope to meet you at our place in April.
I'll be at the March Meeting

Thanks Mike, Louise, and William. In regards to my work schedule, it was a 50/50 shot for the April get together. I called heads, but it came up tails. However, my girlfriend and I will be at the March 16th meeting.

Hope to see you there.