
Well Known Member
Being a very new RV7 owner, I have been looking to see if we need to lubricate certain areas once a month. For example ?the Bonanza society recommends LPS2 on these areas once a month.?

On my champ I had a monthly check list of preventative ?things? I did. This was for several reasons regardless of how much I flew. It got me looking at the airplane every month and I just enjoyed it.

Are there area that I need to be hitting monthly, I guess I am looking for some RV best practices in regards to preventative maintenance between oil changes and condition inspections.

Thank you.
A lot goes into the equation like storage and operating environment, frequency of use, etc....
I hangar in a climate controlled hangar, operate the RV6 about 50-80 hours a year, at least once a month or more, and not often in the rain or extreme heat, no dirt strips, ....
Pretty gentle use.
I do nothing monthly. The tail wheel gets removed, cleaned, and lubricated at 25 hours, or as needed.
Aileron, rudder, hinge bolts, rod ends etc.... every 50 hours or as needed.
Everything gets lubricated at the CI.

My approach is a bit arbitrary, but loosely follows what I have seen in other aircraft. I have done 500 hour inspections and found little wear in any of the systems., with tail wheel a possible exception.
So, this has worked for me.
The best thing to lubricate at least twice a month is your engine. Fly it every other week at the least and it should live a long and happy life.