
Well Known Member
Flying has taken a back burner this year. But we enjoy the RV when we can.

One of the reasons we haven't done much is.....

Kris and I are building our retirement place at Cabin Creek Landing (97MT) in Northwest Montana. We had to meet with a contractor on Saturday and the weather forecast called for "fantastic". We launched a few minutes before sunrise for the 1hr flight.

I didn't have my GoPro running or even mounted for the dawn flight....Big mistake as it was beautiful out.
Bitteroot Lake is under there somewhere. this is my view as I flew crosswind.

Cabin Creek Landing was fogged over too, this was our view when we turned long final RY 20. the other end was completely obscured. NOTE: HWY 2 is in the lower left corner...you can't see the runway! it is almost center of this pic. But I dropped to the tree tops and tucked under to the runway.

30 minutes later it had cleared off.

When we got done, we headed to the EAA Fly-in at Polson (8S1). Here is a sample of Montana. ....I'm still learning how to edit video, also they seemed crisper earlier.

Taking off Runway 20 from 97MT. Rocking my wings as we passed the Bed&Breakfast.

Detoured over Lake Mary-Ronan, then to Flathead Lake past Wild Horse Island before heading south to Polson. I had to extended my downwind for a Cessna on a 3 mile final. oh well the river was pretty.

After some pancakes, coffee and airplanes. we launched for home. Normally we dogleg to the south to avoid the big rocks and turbulence from the winds. But today was calm and cool, so we went to 9500'. Beautiful lakes everywhere....just no place for engine failure.


Looks like a great and scenic place your 97MT Brian. Where can I get an authorization to land there Aug 2016? :D
Yes you can land there....we'll let you sleep in the tower.:D And the bonus the swimming hole is a mile away, I should have a car available up there by then.

Actually we encourage people to stop at Cabin Creek...Fuel is $5.30 right now.