
Well Known Member
All this talk of the heat in Texas, I thought it may be appropriate to send some COOL motivation to ya'll.

We had a Homeowners meeting at Cabin Creek Landing yesterday. Being past VP( just elected Pres) I'm expected to show. I never look forward to the 250mile 4.5hr drive. With the weather favorable and Kris(nervous flyer) sorta willing, we launched from 8U8 at 0930, we landed at 97MT 1.3 hrs later.

This is the first time we've flown Aurora to Cabin Creek, so snapped this pic while parked in front of the new Bed & Breakfast. Beautiful place and nice people if you are so inclined.

Had a good meeting and visit with everyone. We weren't looking forward to launching at 1515 into the haze and bumps that accompanies crossing the Rockies in the afternoon. But wanted to get back to Townsend for a BBQ next door. Storms were building, so we chose to go. Here's a pic heading SE over the Jocko Valley. Hazy, hot and bumpy below 10000, but looked like 11500 would get us over most of it.

Mostly clear, but several puffy things to weave around. First time for Kris on top.

Smooth, 190-195kt GS and 50*F at 11500. SWEET ride back 1.1hrs, block to block.

2.4hrs roundtrip vs 9hrs in the Honda. Visited 2 sets of friends and got some heat relief. Keep pounding those rivets!
pretty cool


Tried to see you at OSH but never caught you at your plane. You have some of the best places to fly in our country!!
Texas will set a record of continous days over 100` this Friday. Work is keeping me near home all summer. Wish we could be in Montana.:eek:
Hey Jay, found your business card stuck in my canopy and started looking around for you. I usually only visited my plane 1 or twice a day, so didn't get to meet many of the people I wanted to. I'll be back!

I may be biased, but I too think Montana has some great flying places. now I just a bigger Avgas budget and more time off work to enjoy them all. ;)