
Well Known Member
My new radio is a mono audio source. So I guess normal practice would be to use a mono headset jack. But my aviation headsets are stereo headsets and so they have stereo plugs. If I plug a stereo headset plug into a mono jack, I will only get audio out of one side, correct?
What’s the best solution for this problem? Use a stereo jack with both the Tip and Ring leads connected to the Phone(+) of the readio? (if i do that then a mono headset plug would short everything to ground). Or am i misunderstanding something...?
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Some (many?) aviation headsets have a hidden switch that converts them to mono. What brand/model do you have? Otherwise, the easy fix is to order, from an electronic hobby type place, a special plug, that has a built in stereo jack as well. (‘Mono plug to stereo jack’). Plug the adapter into the airplane, your headset into the adapter. Both ears will work but of course they’ll be the same - no real stereo if you’re listening to stereo music. Before they went bankrupt you could buy one of these from Radio Shack for $5 US.
Edit added. Yes, plugging a mono plug into a stereo jack will short one channel to ground. Some electronics can tolerate this, some can’t. I’d exercise some caution.
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