Well Known Member
I really liked these on the RV14. The wings had the small plate with a cutout that the connector snapped into, very convenient. Has been very reliable for me.

The data sheet for the 12pos item:

I am building an RV8. Yes, I know about other sealed choices, and not having it at all. My question is:
How big a hole is acceptable in the fuselage at the wing root to pass the wires out?
OP-11 shows a 7/16 hole on each side, and I doubt this is big enough. The hole on the -14 was much bigger.

I'm thinking of making a 90 degree tab with a square hole per the drawing, and riveting it to either the wing or the fuse for the wire housing to snap into. So the wire comes out, turns to the connector, which is in the tab to hold both in place after connection.

From a hole size and materials perspective, I'm curious if anyone else has done similar.
I used a round hole to pass the wires through. Yes there is either the inexpensive light corrugated conduit that Van's sells some sort of nylon grommet around the hole. I then have a Molex style connector in the wing root area that I can get through with the wing root metal intersection fairing removed.

In a few days, it will be 27-years of trouble free service and over 3,600 flying hours.

I was lazy and did not want to do the extra work having a connector mounted in a bracket. Extra work equals longer time till project completion and more time till first fight. I also was afraid that I may have a difficult time unplugging if the bracket was not stiff enough or I later found that it was in a poor location.
I really liked these on the RV14. The wings had the small plate with a cutout that the connector snapped into, very convenient. Has been very reliable for me.

The data sheet for the 12pos item:

I am building an RV8. Yes, I know about other sealed choices, and not having it at all. My question is:
How big a hole is acceptable in the fuselage at the wing root to pass the wires out?
OP-11 shows a 7/16 hole on each side, and I doubt this is big enough. The hole on the -14 was much bigger.

I'm thinking of making a 90 degree tab with a square hole per the drawing, and riveting it to either the wing or the fuse for the wire housing to snap into. So the wire comes out, turns to the connector, which is in the tab to hold both in place after connection.

From a hole size and materials perspective, I'm curious if anyone else has done similar.
I used the snap fittings. I elect to use them instead of the corrigated conduit because I wanted to inspect the wiring at a later day. But there are plenty of airplanes that have the conduits.