
Well Known Member
I'm at Redlands, CA airport today and my brother and I are going to head to Mojave for breakfast/lunch. Should be there around 11:00am.

If you can make it great!
Dad-burn-it Scott.... I was home all day tinkering in the hangar and could have been there in 10 minutes (and you could have come by here...) I hope you had a good meal :D Rosie
Missed you too Flew to Jon Harmon's Rocket Cafe in Bakersfield for Lunch. The burgers are great!!!. Stopped at Tehachapi(KTSP) for $3.15 fuel on the way home.

I'm at Redlands, CA airport today and my brother and I are going to head to Mojave for breakfast/lunch. Should be there around 11:00am.

If you can make it great!

This ruins the memory of what I thought was a fantastic weekend!! :p I was in Mammoth for the weekend but would have leaped at the chance to see the RV10 I've been drooling over for 2 years now up close and in person!

Next time...

I will be back down sometime soon and will call you guys so we can all go flying together. I would love to come by your place Rosie, that would be fun.

Next time we can plan ahead more. It was really a last second thing.

It is always hard to believe how nice your weather is in the middle of winter sometimes.