
Well Known Member
Searched "Mojave" and don't see you folks talking about this:

Growing and sort of a one-of-a-kind event that includes interesting metal planes and: "CAFE Triaviathon Champion RV-4 to attend"

Check the list of aircraft coming. If that isn't interesting........oh well. :cool:
Spread the Word!

This is going to be a collection of amazing experimentals, I have been posting the link in Yahoo groups to drum up interest.
I'll be there

Looks like the experimental I learned to rivet on will be there.. so will I. (It is that reno racer wildfire). Thanks for the heads up, I would never have known.
Just talked to the designer of the Berkut. He's developing a new engine installation for Dick Rutan. Am heading down tomorrow to visit and see the cool stuff as well as pick up my engine mount that doesn't seem to be getting any closer to the mailbox....
Stopping off at Ly-Con to pick up my new cylinders and check crank and rod balance. Exciting couple days!

Check the latest:
I plan to fly down in the morning and just enjoy looking at airplanes and talking to builders in a low-key fly-in (as opposed to the Big Shows) They asked me to talk at the dinner Saturday night, and think that should be fun. We'll be talking about lessons learned in Mission Control over thirty years that can be applied to how we can better build and fly our experimental aircraft.
Great day out. With plenty of RV interest.

Dave and Diane Anders were there with their super RV-4.

Craig Catto flew his RV in with some interesting experiments from the skunk works.

A good selection of Reno-ware and the usual Mojave glitterati - Dick Rutan, Mike Melville etc showing off their hardware. A few more snaps at my photobucket album
Anyone See Kevin Eldredge's (mr Nemesis NXT) in his new Titan 409 RV-8? He is supposed to be running around there somewhere.
Anyone See Kevin Eldredge's (mr Nemesis NXT) in his new Titan 409 RV-8? He is supposed to be running around there somewhere.

Kevin was there - we talked quite a bit....but he said that his RV-8 was hidden away in a hangar on the field somewhere because it is still naked.

I left for Big Bear about 2130 - winds were gusting pretty high, but straight down the runway - and I sure didn't ned much of it. Light winds at 11,500 for the trip up the hill, and calm in the BB Valley - all that wind must be going somewhere, but I don't know where!
Anyone See Kevin Eldredge's (mr Nemesis NXT) in his new Titan 409 RV-8? He is supposed to be running around there somewhere.

Just saw a note on fb that Kevin won the award for Best Build at Mohave! Congrats Kevin!!

Two other SARL racers also won prestigious awards: Jeff Lange won for Best Design with his modified Sonerai I (boo-yah to my Reno Crew Chief!!), and Mike Patey won the Experimenter of the Year Award with his modified Lancair Super Legacy (TSIO-780 powered beast...harumpf!). Very proud of all these great experimenters!

Saw that Dave Anders was there with his super-fast RV-4, and I heard there were many raves over Paul and Louise's TSAM!!

Sounds like it was a really fun weekend!!

Congrats and Cheers!
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Weather permitting I'm going to try and head up for the 2015 fly-in on Saturday 4/18. Looks like a cool excuse to fly and see airplanes.

Any one else planning on being there? I see Paul Dye is again speaking at the banquet.
Weather permitting I'm going to try and head up for the 2015 fly-in on Saturday 4/18. Looks like a cool excuse to fly and see airplanes.

Any one else planning on being there? I see Paul Dye is again speaking at the banquet.

Ahhhh....better check again - although we might well be there, I can't stay for the banquet to hear speaker Mike Mellville! (I have to be headed to SnF - schedule overlap this year).
One of the few trips where it would actually be quicker to drive than to fly the Rocket, I'll still fly in the 3.5 miles.

...much cooler that way!

I hope this works. A good friend from high school is a photographer for Northrop Grumman and took this shot of me leaving Mojave after the fly-in. Lots of fun. Definitely going again next year.
Rats! That didn't work. Suggestions anyone? I have it on and pasted the link into the picture icon as described.
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Unfortunately I didn?t make it, but I had a good excuse. I took the back seat of a Rocket to Van?s home base (KUAO) to pick up a new Light Sport on Friday, and it took longer than planned (10.1 hours) to get home. I landed just after the show closed out. Hopefully next time.
Here you go. That hosting site doesnt make it easy, though. You have to click the sort of right up arrow on top right, select Embed, copy the address below from the text it shows you. Otherwise, it works fine.

Very nice shot!

He didn't get shots of arrivals or departures apart from this one. This was taken Sunday morning. He wasn't there on an official capacity. It was just one of those "Hey, how 'bout I get a shot of you leaving?" We're old high school friends using the time to catch up on lives, family etc.