Captain Avgas

Well Known Member
Several of my friends with "glass" instrumentation are planning on using removeable modular RV7 panels such as that produced by Experimental Air (and until recently by Affordable Panels). For further details go here:

I asked SteinAir what they thought of using an RV7 modular panel and this is Stein's verbatim response:

"With the advent of the big glass EFISes, we find very little benefit to the modular panels. You can easily remove an EFIS to gain access to the panel, and with a frame behind the plates (as in Affordable panels) that is .75" in width, you loose a lot of usable panel space due to that frame. That's over 1.5" vertical space lost and almost 4" in horizontal space, just due to the frame. With older panels using lots of small gauges they made sense, but with large EFIS screens you just pop one of them out and you've got a big gaping hole!"

There are now numerous EFISs out there (some installed in modular panels and some not) and I would like to ask those who have either type if they agree or not with Stein's comments ie. Is it just as convenient to remove a generously sized EFIS (eg GRT, Dynon D100, AFS) for avionics access as it is to remove a full section of a modular panel given that most people these days seem to have at least 2 screens.
I'm considering one simply for future updates to the radio stack. I won't have to remove/replace the whole panel just the piece under the radio stack.

I do realize by the time I'm that far along I will have built a complete airplane and cutting a complete panel from scratch is not much of a task in the grand scheme of things though. I may even want to move some things around after flying for a while.

Stein makes a very good point but the problem with the removable glass but the tray would be in the way to do much work.

When bulding my tip-up -9 I bought the Affodable Panel from Fabian and the sub-panel and was very happy with the results.

One of the main reason was, like Sid, it will make it easier to upgrade the panel in the future.
I made my own

I made a 3 part panel. I cut up he stock panel and added a new middle section that overlaps the two sides so that when completely installed it is very solid. I have found it extremely useful. I can remove the right side most easily to access the fuse blocks and connectors for the middle. The middle holds the radio and transponder in a more permanent position with a surround that comes of easily that holds the auto pilot etc. With this off it is very easy to get at the back of the left panel which holds the efis.I like it!

I had Fabian made me a one piece panel because it made better use of the available space. I have dual GRT's on the left, a center radio stack and MVP-50 on the right.

The GRT's come right out from the front so I've got 2 big holes on the left. I also mounted the MVP-50 removeable from the front, so I got a good size hole on the right also.

The -6 pnels are different at the portion where they meet the cockpit rails....

I think they benefit more from a modular panel since the panel overlay does not have to "tuck under" the cockpit rail...

Note the bottom corners...


gil A
I think I complicated my life. I made a four piece panel. The 2nd and 4th will be easily removable. With also Engine monitor removed, I hope I will have a lot of access.

************** ********* ************ ************
* A/S EFIS ALT. * *---GPS---* * GARMIN 340 * * *
* -------------- * * --------* * GARMINSL30 * * --- DVD----*
*-A/P--CDI--VSI-* * Chr.----* * ------------ * * ----------- *
* -------------- * * ---HS34* * ENG. Mon. * * GARMIN 327 *
************** ********* ************ ***********

Efis is Dynon D10A.
Engine monitor is EMS-D120. HS34 is an expansion module (vertical) for improved HSI funcionality for D120.
A/P will be trutrak with ADI.

Garmin 296 panel flush mount hole (very tight fit...8/32'' from each edge) and bracket (one piece double bent 0.063'' AS) took me more than 20 hours!
I hope I will go faster with the other holes.
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