
Well Known Member
Just for fun. Suppose you could modify yourself as easily as you can mod an RV kit during construction, what would you change? Personally, I'd go for:
1. Longer Range Bladder.
2. Increased Cerebral RAM w/ a memory card slot for instant upgrades. (Maybe even a battery back-up for this one!)
3. Mental Master Switch, so I could switch off the building/planning thoughts and get some sleep.
Clay Cookiemonster
VAF #1256
N838CM reserved
Clay, your showing your age, man.

I think I would go with the same upgrades too.:rolleyes:

Also I should put some effort into getting the flying weight down.:eek:

Stronger landing gear would be nice. The fairings are OK, but the structural bits just don't want to take the stress of a firm landing any more.
#1 I'm already blessed with. I'm planning on a 1000nm airplane.:cool:

#2 & #3 great ideas!

I would like to change to a lighter design. Empty weight is still over GROSS. (Too much carbonated cereal extract consumed trying to implement #3.;))