
Active Member

Either you are single and live alone, or you are a jedi master at persuading the wife to let you do that... I'd never get away with it!!! :D
Either you are single and live alone, or you are a jedi master at persuading the wife to let you do that... I'd never get away with it!!! :D

I tried and was met with that "OH NO YOU DON'T!" stance/glare. I tried testing the wifey by putting the rudder on the sofa. She was not happy.

She lets me keep the parts in a spare bedroom and tucked away in the corner of the livingroom, so I guess I shouldn't push my luck.
There is a -6 builder here who completed his airplane in his house. Like in a family room. The amazing thing is that the fuselage was in a carpeted room. We could find no sign of aluminum shavings in that carpet. We heard he did an engine run in there. Guess things were a bit smokey.
I've got my tail group hanging on the bedroom wall. That picture made me think there should be a VWAF site for the wives/girlfriends of us lunatics.
Back in my bachelor/builder days, there was a period of several years (the fuselage kit and the finish kit) where I had the empennage in one bedroom and the wings in the master bedroom beside the bed.

Later, they were joined by the canopy which lived in the dining room. The rest of the finish kit lived in the third bedroom.

Trust me, the chicks dug it!

Now that I'm married, SWMBO says I'm lucky I met her after the plane was built.
I must be doing something right.

I was cruising through the RV-7 pics thread and my wife looked over my shoulder.
She said "Well, we could just hang the pieces up on the wall for a while and call it art"


God, I love her!

I think I'll get her a rivet gun for christmas.
RV art

Take her up on the offer! I'm still not sure why my wife let me keep our living room and bedroom decorated like this for as long as she did, but worked great for storage!! It was military housing; small, little storage, and no garage for 2 years..... but I built both wings in that house and had parts stored in almost every room, including the kids' bedrooms. Guess that's one of the reasons this has been an 11+ year project for me :)

Either you are single and live alone, or you are a jedi master at persuading the wife to let you do that... I'd never get away with it!!! :D
I pick the "jedi master" option. :D Actually, she was all for it. It helped that I tried to make them look good. I found those gray straps (why are they almost always yellow?) and figured out how to tie up the VS vertically with the straps mostly hidden. I have spots picked out for the rudder and elevators too, but I have to finish them first...