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Well Known Member
A few threads of late have brave souls posting MX findings that received some criticism. Though well intentioned, such feedback may deter others from posting their findings, questions and experiences.

Could a system similar to the NASA hosted AC 00-46E - Aviation Safety Reporting Program or Part 121 ASAP be added?

There would need to be moderation to ensure sanitization of submissions and to avoid any abuse of the "system".

The USN used to call it "Anymouse" in their pubs. In the USAF, we'd debrief, at times, in a non-attribution forum, whether actually in the Flight Safety regime or just amongst peers.

The current VAF system, understandably, has no anonymous posting function.

Even if a separate, pay-walled area, I'd pay for and even volunteer to help.

The first follow-on issue is if the posts are allowed to thread on unmoderated, or not. Spears are still not going to be helpful in most cases, nor in the long run of participation. Second are posts started elsewhere that might be encouraged to move to anonymity. Plus, some folks enjoy thick skin and would post wherever they desire.

Is this an even remotely new thought in VAF?

Scroll? Read your SAFETY stuff for a decade plus in the USAF and Reserves... Thoughts?
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I think the forum should have a user name “Anonymous” that’s managed by one of the moderators. People could message that account and the moderator could post the issue from the “Anonymous” account. This allievates bashing one specific person and will hopefully lead to more people coming forward and posting their stories for everyone else to learn from.
One of the other pilot boards I belong to allows you to post anonymously for things just like this, request has to be sent to a moderator first who then clears it for posting.

Works very well on that forum.
I think the forum should have a user name ?Anonymous? that?s managed by one of the moderators. People could message that account and the moderator could post the issue from the ?Anonymous? account. This allievates bashing one specific person and will hopefully lead to more people coming forward and posting their stories for everyone else to learn from.

I think this is a fantastic idea.
Sounds like a great idea and would also be more than happy to help moderate if additional assistance is needed. (Think that moderation is needed or something else to keep SPAM / inappropriate content from being posted).
Sounds like a great idea and would also be more than happy to help moderate if additional assistance is needed. (Think that moderation is needed or something else to keep SPAM / inappropriate content from being posted).
Agreed with all of the above.
Thank you moosepileit, but I prefer to NOT have anonymous postings on VAF.

If someone wants to send me a picture of something they found that could be a safety concern, and they wish to remain off the grid, I am happy to post the picture on the front page from me (like the cracked prop in your example). They could title their email 'Found in the Field: Discuss', or something similar.

Too much risk for abuse using anonymous postings (my experience running bulletin boards for 25 years). Thank you for the feedback and best,

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