
Legacy Member
Today I had my second SkyView Mode S transponder check.

As expected it was a non-event. In fact, when the guy walked into my hangar and asked which transponder I had and I mentioned it was a Dynon system his comment was, "Had you told me that, I would have just mailed you the sticker to put in your log book!"

Sure enough, we went through the test and everything was as it should be. The only issue I had, and it was a minor one, was that I had to set the transponder to manual mode in the SkyView setup so I could get it to transmit while on the ground.

Now here is the interesting part, he charged me $125 for the check, and that was a house call. (He came to my hangar at our little airpark to perform the check.) Had it been a Mode C check, it would have been just $100, he volunteered.

This prompted me to ask about the cost of an ADS-B check, when I get a certified nav source. He said it will be the same cost as the Mode C check and he asked about my setup because he was able to read the Dynon's ADS-B, which was also fine.

This led to another discussion about avionics and he repeated something Dynon had once told me, there is such thing as a "certification" for a VOR receiver. Meaning you are legal to fly IFR with a Sporty's SP-400 hand held NAV/COM, if you want. (I didn't say it was smart, just that it was legal.)

That was a surprise to me.
That price is awesome. The guy doing ours in our area is hammering people with a fee almost 4X that much just because it is Mode-S and he does not test the ES...

Time to find a New guy to do my checks!
That price is awesome. The guy doing ours in our area is hammering people with a fee almost 4X that much just because it is Mode-S and he does not test the ES...

Time to find a New guy to do my checks!

Come on down (SC86) and I'll arrange for him to come by.
I'm confused. Did you mean "... there is NO such thing..."

You certify every 30 days. 91.171

This is in the US, I don't know what the Canadian regs are but I would suspect they are similar.

The Tech also said that you don't have to have a GPS receiver for your ADS-B nav source. Now if I could find a "certified" INS that would work with the Dynon, I would be all set!
When someone talks of "certified" equipment they usually mean "the manufacturer has stated that it meets certain TSO standards". In that sense the OP is correct. For part 91 operation only transponders, gps used for ifr, and (in 2020) ADSB-out transmitters must meet TSO standards.
That price is awesome. The guy doing ours in our area is hammering people with a fee almost 4X that much just because it is Mode-S and he does not test the ES...

Time to find a New guy to do my checks!

Wow. My guy charged me 85$ to come to my hanger (the shop is local to my airport). I thought that was expensive for 20 minutes of work.... .