
Legacy Member
In reading the tread on ATC violating us a discussion on the Mode S identification code came up.

In checking the entry for my plane on the FAA's web site, a mode S code of 53211343 is listed.

N941WR only has Mode C, as far as I know. (Garmin 320A transponder with the Dynon mode C module.)

Where did that number come from? Is it possibly a default number? At no time did I register my transponder with the FAA; however, the guy who did the Mode C check did take the serial number with him.
Mode S code

Is it possibly a default number.

My bet, if it is like up here in Canada, is that it is a default code assigned to your registration. If you were to get a Mode S transponder, that would be the code assigned to it. My friend's C-150 with the lowly Mode C transponder has a Mode S code assigned to it.
Every airplane registered has a mode S code associated with it. Doesn't really mean squat until the FAA decides to mandate Mode S or ADS-B. Unless of course you CHOOSE to get mode S :eek:
When you install a Mode S transponder, you enter the code that is listed on your registration into the unit as part of the set-up process. That is why they arbitrarily assign a code to every aircraft - most of them just aren't being used.
