
Well Known Member
Anyone know of a good web link for MOAs to determine if they are active or not? Possibly a schedule of activity upcoming? Something other than FF or FSS at the time when the MOA is approached. DRR
Not always

I work at Miami artcc and we have a lot of unscheduled activations of special use airspace. Best to check with us just to be sure.
I've never paid any attention to the MOA blocks to see if they change colors with ADSB IN reporting. ?? The above Nex Gen site seems to say that SUA s are included! I have notices a TFR that was NOT included in one of the KATL area broadcast about 6 months ago!!
I work at Miami artcc and we have a lot of unscheduled activations of special use airspace. Best to check with us just to be sure.

And on the other side of the same coin, special use airspace will often be under NOTAM due to being scheduled, but it won't actually be active at the time that you're wanting to pass through it. Many MOAs aren't active until military aircraft are approaching and asking the controlling agency to activate them, and then they're cold again as soon as the military aircraft leave. So it's still worth asking about the status even if you see a NOTAM or posted hours, it might save time and gas if you're inclined to go the long way around.

Controllers understand our concern with efficiency. Unless there is way to get accurate real-time updates displayed, talking to them is the way to go.
It would be nice if on a Dynon Skyview, when you touch the MOA on the screen that at least a radio frequency comes up to enter, so that you can check in for current activity, and at least put on an Ident frequency so they can at least see the area you are in.
I've got an old Garmin 496. It has all the ATC center freqs on it wherever you happen to be. If I want to go thru a MOA, I just call center and ask them if its hot or not. I know some guys just plow right thru them, and never ask. There was an F-16 that ran over a small aircraft in South Carolina--maybe a year ago.The F-16 guy had an ejection seat. The small airplane did not. You get the picture. Learned this trick from Ron Shreck. I think everyone here pretty much knows who Ron is.
I had a C-310 go between me and my wingman while we were doing a rejoin. He went about 100 feet above my wingman and maybe 50 feet below me. Don't think he ever saw either of us but we did all kind of dodging (reactionary and after the fact). He had gone through our MOA without talking to anyone. To this day, I ALWAYS ask ATC about any MOA before proceeding through it.