
Hi guys. I'm new here, the name is Dave.

I'm still in the dreaming/planning stage. The kids/space thing is going to keep me from building for a few years.

I would like to help out if anyone could use an extra hand for something. In addition, I have a downdraft paint table with overhead light I'd loan out. I have a vinyl plotter for doing lettering, and I am a reasonably accomplished airbrush artist.

I fly a Cessna 150 out of KANE. I would accept a ride in your finished RV as payment. :)

Let me know. Keep on building!
Dave, welcome to the adventure of RV's!

The local group is quite large, with something like 100+ planes flying or under construction (I might be way under on that guess). Check out:

Anoka Cty has quite a few RV's, and I think 5 new ones have come out of our hangar alone, with another one coming soon.

Start by joining the MNWing group, and we'll connect you up from there!
Welcome to the good ship VAF!!

As Alex said, Join the Minnesota Wing
and you will end up meeting endless RV fanatics. I'm in Hugo and building an RV-9A. I have three kids and a three car garage with two cars in it so if you have any questions about building shoot me a PM and I'll be happy to give you a ring and chat about it.
Hi, Dave!

I'm building an RV10 down in Hastings. You're welcome to stop down anytime to check things out! If you're lucky, I may even let you help me sand some fiberglass!
