
Well Known Member
Does anyone have any feedback about flying into the airport in Guaymas, Mexico in terms of security of parking for a few days? Just curious if anyone has been there and if things seemed safe and secure?
I have a friend who has a vacation house in that area. He flys his Cirrus down there several times a year. He might not be as picky as some of us, but he's pretty particular and I doubt he'd tolerate anything happening to his Cirrus. I'll send you a PM with his contact info.
Hi Rod, your friend would not happen to be an artist by any chance? Asking because I have a friend who flies a cirrus for an artist and they frequent that area a few times a year. I have actually flown that cirrus as he flies it here to Louisiana to visit sometimes when he drops off his boss, the artist. Just curious

No, not an artist. He's a businessman and he flys the plane himself. He's in the T hangar right next door to me. He bought the Cirrus brand new and probably flys 150-200 hours a year. He goes to Mexico about as often and with the same amount of thought as I go 15 miles away for a $100 hamburger.

He and his wife and dog jump in the plane and head out. It's pretty cool, actually. I once heard them talking to approach in San Diego as I was climbing out of KSAN in an Airbus. I said hello to him twice on the radio, but he didn't answer. They were headed to Mexico, but it was fun teasing him 2 weeks later when they returned. Sometimes it's a really small world as we were both about 750nm from home!
I have flown in there many times

I have flown in there many times and never had a problem of any kind But I have not been to Mexico for several years now. I had a friend with a Saratoga that was stolen and crashed smuggling drugs - it seemed that they were interested in the heavy haulers. When I used to go there Guaymas seemed like one of the more structured and secure organizations.

Bob Axsom
Thank you very much everyone.

Rod, I spoke with your friend and he was very friendly and helpful. He even knew about the Soggy Peso bar that is near where we'll be staying :) He confirmed what others have said that aircraft security seems to be fine. He referenced the AOPA site as a good source of information and confirmed the following things needed for flights into Mexico (and probably other areas outside of US as well).

photocopy of:

pilots license
aircraft registration
copy of insurance policy - dont have to have separate coverage as long as policy covers Mex
multi-entry license & us customs and boarder protection (dtops)

He said they typically will have you fly over HMO (Hermisillo) enroute to Guaymas. Apparently you can fly direct from US to your destination. I wasnt sure if you had to stop somewhere but as long as your destination is a port of authority they can handle your arrival.

Just wanted to give this additional info in case someone else ever went searching for it.

Wish us luck :)
and your Customs sticker.. I made 3 flights into and back from Mexico before it was discovered to be inop (not installed actually)
You may have been following the thread about radio operators and station licenses; US FCC says you need them, but no one seems to actually check.
copy of insurance policy - dont have to have separate coverage as long as policy covers Mex

Check this. Historically, you needed to buy an additional liability policy written by a Mexican insurance company (readily available and relatively cheap [ and useless coverage-wise] from your local agent and often through the Mexican office of your regular insurance carriers).

It seems to be only sporatically checked, but I think it probably is still required.
My experience as well

Check this. Historically, you needed to buy an additional liability policy written by a Mexican insurance company (readily available and relatively cheap [ and useless coverage-wise] from your local agent and often through the Mexican office of your regular insurance carriers).

It seems to be only sporatically checked, but I think it probably is still required.

I had to buy insurance every time we went there. I believe the company was McAfee & Edwards (I know, it sounds like a Scottish firm). It was a very serious matter that was checked every time we cleared the entry process in Mexico. Once I forgot the papers and we were held up for several hours (in Guaymas by the way) until my detailed explanation convinced them it was a simple misplacement of the papers and they let us go. Otherwise the plane would have sat right there until I got some Mexican insurance.

One other thing that was always seriously checked was the papers they gave us upon entry. DON'T LOSE THEM WHILE IN MEXICO. You need them to get back out in the Mexico exit process.

Bob Axsom
Check this. Historically, you needed to buy an additional liability policy written by a Mexican insurance company (readily available and relatively cheap [ and useless coverage-wise] from your local agent and often through the Mexican office of your regular insurance carriers).

It seems to be only sporatically checked, but I think it probably is still required.

Per Jenny at NationAir Mexican coverage is no longer required, as long as your primary policy includes Mexico. She even had the relevant page of my Chartis policy translated into Spanish so that the Mexican authorities could confirm I aws covered.

Jim Berry