
I'm having issues with the Vans throttle / mixture cables on my -8 (-1 fuse) / Aerosport M1B combination. Firstly the supplied FW Fwd Kit mixture cable was too long. Now that's rectified, the latest cable seems too 'tight' (ie too much friction - even before installing it). I installed it anyway, and the mixture control is not surprisingly quite 'tight' on my Vans deluxe quadrant. Question is, is that a problem? Do you pilots fly these things around with a stiff / tight mixture control? Could I expect the cable to loosen up a bit later on?

B.T.W. The Vans throttle cable didn't have enough throw to match the Precision Airmotive FI throttle arm. The 60" cable had a 2 1/8" throw and it needed at least 2 1/4". I ended up switching the throttle lever with another from Precision and then shifted the #12 hole thereby reducing the cable throw requirement from 2 1/4" to just under 2".

Robert Grigson