
Well Known Member
I know it's been discussed on here before, but I'm hoping that since then someone has found a workaround for my situation. The throw on the Van's control cables is just a wee bit small on both mixture and throttle. I was able to fix the throttle issue by drilling an additional hole in the throttle arm closer to the pivot, but the mixture control arm is a (bronze?) casting that only has room for the existing hole. The cost of a custom cable is $150-ish and I'm tired of getting nickel and dimed on all these little fininshing details. Anybody have a plan? FYI: It's got nothing to do with the quadrant as it's not even connected.
Steve, I have no answer for you, but thought I would post to keep the thread alive, in the hope that someone who missed your first post sees it now.

I have the same problem with both the mixture and the throttle. I know you drilled the throttle arm on the carb. For now I have resisted that and am just using the next hole in on each which makes for a somewhat coarse adjustment.

As recently as yesterday I was trying to fine adjust the mixture and cursing. I am only using part of the range at the quadrant.

Do you think there may be alternative arms with the holes placed differently? This is not a new problem!
Call Van first...

I have been working on an extremely slow build -6A. Last winter, I was installing the mixture cable I got from Van (I think in the firewall fwd kit). Well, the parts list called out a part number with a length dimension, and the FWF drawings called out the same length dimension, and the tag on the mixture control called out the same part number. Guess what?? The overall throw (control rod movement...for and aft) was about a 1/4 inch to short for my carb (M/S 4-5 on an O-360).

I was ready to drill an additional hole in the carb mixture control arm...but I just could not figure out how to get the hole placement (and no room for the hole either) correct. I had spent some amount of time on the ACS Controls web site, as well as Spruce. I finally came to the conclusion that something was amiss with the supplied mixture cable.

A call to Van's...and a quick answer was that yes, some mixture cables in my time frame were received at Van's, and sent out, and the control throw was short. I ordered a new one and that solved my problems...mixture arm now goes stop-to-stop.

Oh...I had to pay for the new cable. Still got the old one...
Keep in mind, that every bend takes part of the throw.

L.Adamson --- RV6A

Van's cable......... in line .................. 2 1/4" throw
one 180 bend.......... 2 1/4"
two 90s................. 2 1/4"
three 180s.............. 1 3/4"

Normal bends to install from panel to carb should be no problem....
Van's cable......... in line .................. 2 1/4" throw
one 180 bend.......... 2 1/4"
two 90s................. 2 1/4"
three 180s.............. 1 3/4"

Normal bends to install from panel to carb should be no problem....


I have two spares in the garage. Both just lost 1/4" with 2 90's.
