
Well Known Member
As with many builders I am working my way through the trials of fitting an IO-320 in my 9A. I have worked out most issues and am now faced with the prospect of deciding if I should cut my lower cowl to add a blister in the area where the mixture arm rotates - I saw where other builder have done this. My question is how much room should I allow for between mixture arm and cowl taking into account engine start-up & shut down?? Thanks!
Engine twist

Actually, it's not just startup and shutdown, you would be very surprised how much the engine rotates over just due to torque at full throttle!
Hello Mark.

I didn't notice how close my linkage was until after my first flight. It wore a small hole right through the cowl. I cut around the point of contact and then flew again.

After I decided that it was not digging into the side any more I started with a layer of styrofoam 1/2 thick and then built up with glass cloth over this. I built up with glass and micro until I had a nice smooth looking bubble on the side of the cowl. I then ground out the stryo on the inside. I think that I have about 1 inch clearance between the control arm and the inside of the cowl now. There is a lot of rotation of the engine during normal operation (including start-up and shutdown).

I still haven't repainted the bubble yet, but have seen no more cracks from contact.

do you already have a straight arm?

If you still have an offset,... consider going to a straight arm. Of course then you will be working on the FAB instead of the cowling

Hi Mark.........had the same exact problem with the 9A I built. Did not want to cut the cowling and add a bubble. What I did was reversed the arm straight up vertical. If you left it that way....when you pull the mixture "OFF" you would actually making it "RICH and vice versa. So I made a bellcrank to reverse the direction of the control cable. Was a helicopter mechanic long ago and we were always using bellcranks.
Basically looks like a "Z". Let me know and I'll draw it and send it to your email address. Works great and even the DAR thought it looked "Factory".

Best [email protected]

As with many builders I am working my way through the trials of fitting an IO-320 in my 9A. I have worked out most issues and am now faced with the prospect of deciding if I should cut my lower cowl to add a blister in the area where the mixture arm rotates - I saw where other builder have done this. My question is how much room should I allow for between mixture arm and cowl taking into account engine start-up & shut down?? Thanks!
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Straight arm it.

I had a similar problem with my fuel injected IO-360 and the 9A cowl.
My first solution was to cut a hole in the cowl, then make a bubble to fit over it.
After I cut a small hole, then kept enlarging it so the arm had un-restricted movement, it dawned on me that maybe I could get a straight arm to replace the curved arm. Made a phone call, and had one in 2 days, plus also had a hole to repair in the cowl.

Hope this helps
Thanks . . .

Thanks to all for your input . . . I do have the straight arm installed. This only leaves less then 0.5" clearance. I considered going the bellcrank route as well - now with everything hooked up I;m thinking a small blister will solve this issue and hardly be noticable. Thanks again to all for input.