
Hi Guys!
Can anybody tell me what size opening works for the stick cover?
Also where I can buy a boot for the stick?
Check about half way down this page...

I'm in Australia now and can't measure my opening but you might be able to make a guess by looking at the pics. My stick boot was made by Oregon Aero who also made my seats. I can measure the opening this weekend when I get home, let me know if you need it. Whatever size it is, my opening works perfectly.
Thank Randy! I think I'll get the stick boot before cuting the hole.
336 Rocketeers

Hello Mr. Spicer,

I was stationed at Seymour Johnson AFB from '83 to '87 with the 336 Aviation Maintenance Unit. I recognized the 336 Rocketeers patch and had to say "Hello."

Beautiful job with your RV-3B.


Thanks, Bob. I was at S-J in the 336th 1972-1976 and again 1979-1980. Without you maintainers, we would have never turned a wheel. A big thanks!
