
Well Known Member
Mistral has updated the web site. The new version has the performance charts MUCH easier to find. You won't find a final performance chart for the G300 (3 rotor) until certification is finished. Francois says the 3 rotor scales well from the 2 rotor +50%. Maybe a bit better. If you are interested in the rotary it is worth a look.
Bill Jepson
Mistral Diesel Engine - fuel tank question.

We are looking seriously at the Mistral engine for our 7A - and hoping they will have their diesel version running by the time we're ready (mid-2010). Since we are going to be working on the fuel tanks this summer, we've heard that we need to make some mods to the fuel tanks to use jet A in them. Can you help us with what those mods might be and whether we can make the mods and still use a gas engine if the diesel is not ready?
I believe that you will require a larger opening in order to fit the Jet A nozzle into the tank.
Hi Dennis.....

.....and welcome to VAF. I run Jet A in my Air Tractors and they're pro-sealed just like our RV's, so there's no problem there. The fuel nozzles at some airports are rather large in diameter but you can easily make an adapter to put on those nozzles to get fueled up.

Nozzle modifications

This seems like a place to plan for future fuel needs. I'm just beginning the tanks and will look at some of these components to give options for future fuel needs. I'm thinking of making the hole big enough now and have a sleeve fabricated for gas. Any thoughts out there.
Has anyone heard . . .

Has anyone heard that you need to change the venting of the tanks to use Jet A. That is the part that I'm a little confused about. There seems to be something about the way the tanks are vented, but no one seems sure about the details. If someone has some experience in this area, that would be great.
Lubricating apex seals?

How does minstral lube their apex seals?
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Same as Mazda

How does minstral lube their apex seals?

Mistral lubes their tip seals in the same way Mazda does, by using a small amount of sump oil injected. Personally I like the remote res. and 2 cycle oil since it is designed to burn cleanly. There are guys that make a drive plate that allows the use of a reservior instead of the sump oil. Sump oil doesn't burn well after doing it's job.
Bill Jepson