What is the 2nd most major cause of mistakes?

  • Reading / interpreting plans

    Votes: 11 33.3%
  • Part shaping / fabrication / preperation

    Votes: 14 42.4%
  • Riveting / assembly

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • Other?

    Votes: 2 6.1%

  • Total voters


Well Known Member
I think it’s clear we all make mistakes when we are tired. I am curious as to the 2nd greatest contributor of mistakes. What are your thoughts?


The one that is not on the list is fatigue. Once you get tired, all of the options start happening. You have to recognize when to quit and start sweeping or organizing. Anything but building.
In my case I think my most common, expensive, and time-consuming mistakes are the result of poor design and/or planning, all of which get realized long after the mistake is made.

Poor design examples would be mounting/installing a component somewhere, then realizing that it's not going to work there and has to be removed/relocated somewhere else, and everything that connects to it has to be redone. Or, you work yourself into a corner and decide to just live with it because rework is impractical at this point, knowing that future maintenance may be a little more difficult. Examples: the location of almost everything behind my panel or on my firewall

Poor planning would be doing something too soon or in the wrong order, causing things to have to be removed in order to do something else, or in changing course on a particular effort and having to discard/redo all the work that's been done so far. Example: Mounting my smoke tank while I had easy access, then sitting in the airplane and realizing I wanted the almost-a-14 mod...

I (almost) never make fatigue mistakes during the build; I never have enough time in a work session to be able to get tired before someone else starts demanding my attention and I have to stop :rolleyes: