
Well Known Member
It took me awhile to write it up, but I had a great trip in the RV following the Missouri River all the way to Three Forks, Montana, then continuing on to Salmon, Idaho for a long weekend with high school buddies. I hit Oshkosh for three days on the way back.

Enjoy! Link
Very enjoyable. Thanks!

I've been to Oshkosh, but your trip took in a lot of country I haven't seen.

L.Adamson -- RV6A

You have raised the bar on trip reports with this one!!!!

Well done, sir!
Great writeup Bill!

I grew up in Salmon. ID. Lots of great memories with family and friends still there. Be a great place to retire to.
Very, very nice. Thank you for writing up the report and posting. That took up most of my Monday morning instead of working. Now, back to reality.
Very Nice

Really appreciate the write up and pics. Links like this can do wonders to open the eyes of non-pilots to the joys of aviation.

thanks again,

nice write up Bill.

kinda cool to see some of the stuff I take for granted through the eyes of others.

Lanny's Fairchild used to be based in HLN until he bought it this spring. He visits Townsend quite often.

also the white/red RV-6 who invited you to coffee was the first RV I had a ride in and belongs to a friend Jerry M, who built it for under $30k....i put partial blame on him for my RV addiction.
Male Bonding

Thanks for the great travel log Bill! You help show all of us RV drivers what great machines we have and what great adventures lie ahead of us.
Watch out for those cigars!

Bruce Raymond
RV-8 625 hours

The wife and I have done the Sante Fe Trail tour using William White's guide book. I'm a big western history buff, currently exploring Red River Indian War battle sites from the ground and via the RV7. I have his Oregon Trail book as well but haven't made that trip. Those were some amazing people back in those days. Nice photos and write up!


The wife and I have done the Sante Fe Trail tour using William White's guide book. I'm a big western history buff, currently exploring Red River Indian War battle sites from the ground and via the RV7. I have his Oregon Trail book as well but haven't made that trip. Those were some amazing people back in those days. Nice photos and write up!


Hi Joe,

I did the Oregon Trail in a Citabra 4 years ago using William White's guide book. Fun trip - recommended. I have White's Sante Fe Trail book too and am looking forward to doing that some day. Just read Hampton Side's "Blood and Thunder" which is a history of the American Southwest and a great book which got me excited to fly the southwest someday. ... Bill