
Well Known Member

Your a mission specialist......... I have a special mission for you. Any excuse to skip work and go flying... right! Anyway, we will be coming up the Houston ship channel very near future. I have seen small aircraft doing aerobatics out over the bay before, Maybe you could give my crew and I a show. I could proudly tell them my plane is like that one (I wont bother to mention that yours is better looking).

I know there are many ships in the channel, so here is what we look like from the air (we are on the left:)). We will be making a few transits so maybe you can play hooky and give the crew a thrill or bring a formation one day. We will give you a tour of the ship if you are interested. Give me ring for plans 352-816-7000
I'll try to give you a call....I have spent many a fun day on the Ship Channel, on everything from Jet ski's to my cabin cruiser to the "big guys" - back when I was married to a Merchant Marine Captain....and yup, I am frequently upside over the Bay....

Paul (Not a Mission Specialist....just a lowly Flight Director)
Good Deal

Sounds great Paul, we are in the area today but I don?t think even ducks are flying today. Was the X an Aggie?

Richard, It?s the one on the left ,USNS Lawrence H Gianella. Named after a radio operator that went down with the ship in WW2.
Richard, It?s the one on the left ,USNS Lawrence H Gianella.

Besides Richard, Flyrod can't possibly come up the Houston Channel in the near future on the ship on the right of the photo. Its CV-62, USS Independence and was decommissioned in 1998. ;)
Flyrod said:
Sounds great Paul, we are in the area today but I don?t think even ducks are flying today. Was the X an Aggie?

X was a King's Pointer.

It actually cleared up nice this afternoon - I took a trip down to Mustang Beach, and then overflew the Bay on my way to Anahuac to get gas before backtracking to home base. Wasn't looking at ships - didn't realize you were already around here.

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Texas Chicken

Flyrod, do you play Texas Chicken with the other tankers in the Houston shipping channel?
Texas Chicken


It did clear fairly well in the afternoon. There was a nice size waterspout on Sunday morning near crystal beach. Looks like we will be departing in the cover of darkness, so maybe we can lock up next trip O/A 25th-26th.


We still do the Texas Chicken, but it?s not as dramatic now that the channel width has been increased. It is a very dynamic waterway and always interesting.