Skybolt Al

Well Known Member
I'm fitting my leading edge and the instructions call for a w-919 splice strip to be inserted between the leading edge skin and the inboard leading edge rib adjacent to the outboard tank rib. There is no w-919 either in my box or on the inventory sheet. Am I supposed to make this strip out of aluminum stock in the Wing Trim Bundle? If so, what width and thickness? There is no call out on the plans for specs on the w-919.

I don't recall the exact dimensions of the piece, but there was a pair of long strips in my wing kit; they're about 1 1/2" wide, and longer than they need to be. I had to trim some off the end after fitting them to the wing.

Smitty's site has a good pictorial install, including the "pre-bending," which was useful to me: click here
You have to make them. You should have some lengths of the correct material. make the bend to form the leading edge, then mark and trim to the correct length.
You will have a pair of strips of the correct width, but overlength and you'll have to trim them. The first time you fit this strip is a bit interesting, it's a tight fit and will take some time to get it in place correctly. Check your measurements closely on the material extending past the edge as laid out in the instruction book - and then check it again before you pick up the drill as it will tend to move a bit while drilling other holes.
Here's my entry about the strips on my website:

"The instructions talk about the W-919 Doubler strip as if it was a pre-made part with a label. Nope, you have to find the strips in the box. There are 2 of them, about 3 feet long by 1 1/2 inches. I marked a line on one of the strips 1/2" from the edge. This line shows up in the pre-drilled holes of the skin when the strip is inserted."
Thanks for the help.

Thanks to your tips, I found a couple of AS .032x1.5x36 strips so I used them to make up the strips. Worked fine.