Ron B.

Well Known Member
I sent Van's a quick note about a missing AN4-37A bolt. Page 36-11 calls for two but bag 3070 only list one, it also only has two 5702-95-30 and we need four.
Anyone know if Van's knows this and has them on the way?
This hardware omission has been noted.
There is a bag of various omitted parts (including the ones noted here) that will be sent out to all builders in a few days.

Van's does a GREAT job of packing their kits; however, at some point you will want to buy bunch of miscellaneous bolts, nuts, washers, and cotter pins for maintenance, if you don't already have them. Somehow, having built a -10 before, I suspect you must have a bunch of extra fasteners stashed away.

The sets from Aircraft Spruce are expensive but well worth it.

That is, unless we can talk Van's into putting together hardware maintenance packs.
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I think we can add to the list LP4-5 rivets. I got to the point of riveting on the rollover structure today where many LP4-5's are used, and I checked and only had 10, which is the quantity specified in bag 3058.

Page 37-06 shows 12 needed to do the sides of the roll bar assembly (per side I believe) in figure 1, and then there are a total of 4 more (per side) used in figure 2 and 3. So I believe we'll need at least 32, if the rivet callouts are correct in the plans.

Interestingly though, there are 34 of the LP4-4 rivets included in bag 3059,
which so far I don't see anywhere within the entire fuselage plans. When you look at the various materials you are riveting through in this area, I'm questioning if the LP4-5 isn't maybe the incorrect callout to use on the side rivets. It seems that perhaps some of these areas on page 37-06 may actually be proper with LP4-4's. So it would be nice to know for sure what the problem is.

Either way, I need to get that AN4-37A bolt and some of these parts so I can finish it off so I'll be calling Monday. I guess without much left on the fuselage other than the panel, it's time to get that all going.
I did just email support this a.m. regarding the LP4-5 / LP4-4 rivets.
It sounds like they have a list of parts that they are going to be
sending out. Hopefully my email gets to them in time to clarify
and/or correct that rivet quantity also.
To fix the problem faster, I just ordered some of each today so at least once they clarify the length I can get it done and move on.