
Well Known Member
I was taking a closer look at my center section, and I have strong suspicion that whoever built it forgot to put two AN470AD6 rivets in it.

Look at those two holes circled red. There is nothing there in the plans. Also, I looked at images I found on the internet, and it seems like these two should be riveted.


(obviously, I'll be asking Vans support as well; this part seems to be kind of important).
I had an AD6 rivet missing in my center section too. Van's told me to just put an AN3 bolt in there, so hopefully they say the same for you. While I'm sure it's not difficult to set those big rivets, I just didn't have the tools.
Find the other part (back half)of the center section and line up.
I do remember spacers going through the top part.
I can see where you wrote spacer on this part.

The AN3 with spacers make the space for the wings.

Hope it helps.

Please do not put rivets in these holes!!!! you will later insert long AN3 bolts with aluminum tubing that act as spacers between the center section parts.
Please do not put rivets in these holes!!!! you will later insert long AN3 bolts with aluminum tubing that act as spacers between the center section parts.

The spacers are the two outer holes which are marked as "spacers" (they are also a bit larger & use AN4 bolts).

These two holes are not on the plans (unless I am missing something). Also, they are not even symmetric to the center, which is why I noticed them.