
Well Known Member
This topic is not obviously RV related, but more than you might think. Some of you know that I've been involved with the Miss Montana to Normandy project for the last year or more. We successfully returned a 1944 DC-3/C-47 to airworthiness - it had been sitting for 18 years - and flew her to England, Normandy and Germany for the 75th anniversary of DDay and the 70th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift. And back again over some pretty remote, inhospitable country in the north Atlantic. We've been in AOPA (see latest edition) and EAA magazines, on CBS Sunday Morning, the NY Times, Washington Post and every newspaper in Montana and many beyond. We flew the plane across the channel on June 5 and dropped paratroopers in original WWII garb and round chutes over Normandy, then flew in a presidential fly by at Omaha Beach Cemetery on June 6.

At first glance a DC-3 is nothing like an RV, but au contraire, look deeper. The DC-3 is all aluminum riveted monocoque construction and the power-to-weight ratio is almost precisely that of my RV-10. What struck me as I worked on the plane for much of a year was how many of my skills, tools, and resources were useful on the project. I was able to do a fair bit of metal work to patch holes, install antennas with doublers, and so forth. I was able to wire the largely reinvented instrument panel and associated antennae, headsets, ADAHRS, etc. The radial engines were a new beast but they still suck, squeeze, bang and blow like my Lycoming. In short, because I built an RV I was actually fairly useful on an incredible renovation (and operation) of an historic airplane, and got to fly right seat on a good portion of the entire trip.

I was even able to convince the chief mechanic (with no experimental experience) to install two Dynon D3s as backup attitude indicators instead of reinstalling the entire vacuum system just for two attitude indicators. Dynon graciously donated two of them to our project! SHAMELESS PLUG 1

In addition, I contacted Aeroleds and they gave us a 50% discount on the huge 8 inch LED landing lights that dramatically decrease load and increase life (as well as visibility).SHAMELESS PLUG #2

Because of the trip I was motivated to add commercial and multi-engine ratings, a tailwheel endorsement, and a DC3 SIC type rating in less than a year. Not much else would have prompted me to work so hard.

It keeps occurring to me that, when I started flying 11 years ago and then finished my RV-10 8 years ago I wouldn't have in my wildest dreams ever imagined that I would be able to participate in something like this. It never ceases to amaze me how this community as enriched our lives.

Keep driving those rivets.

PS - you can look us up at or on facebook under Miss Montana to Normandy
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Good for you! I envy your chance to participate in that adventure.

I have a personal connection to the Dakota, since my Dad flew for MATS and has thousands of hours in them. I would have loved to have taken part in the event.

I keep telling myself, one day I will get to fly one, or maybe even get the type rating.

Thanks for sharing!
Type rating

Good for you! I envy your chance to participate in that adventure.

I have a personal connection to the Dakota, since my Dad flew for MATS and has thousands of hours in them. I would have loved to have taken part in the event.

I keep telling myself, one day I will get to fly one, or maybe even get the type rating.

Thanks for sharing!

Well, we now have TWO DC3s (it’s a long story) and are offering type ratings complete with instructor and examiner. PM me if you want more info.
DC3 In Kenai

North Air, a local charter company, just acquired a DC-3. Will be using it to support the oilfield industry here in Kenai (PAEN).

It is parked about 100 yds to the east of my tie down. Guess I should say "based" instead of parked.

Like to spend lunches there. A couple of C-46 Commandos that haul fuel to out lying villages, a DC4 that does the same, a DC-6 that hauls fish.

Really like to hear those radial engines roar! The C-46 Commandos win for best sound! One of the C46 pilots, Terry, built and still flies a RV-6a.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
You may be one of the ones I chatted to and relayed on 123.45 when you were outbound to UK. I was sipping tea at FL380 in my A330 en route Las Vegas and San Fran.

My buddy James works Shanwick Oceanic, we were all helping. He saw the gaggle at Prestwick. James is building a 10.

Awesome achievement and yes, I am interested in some time in the DC3. Done a couple of flights in Crazy Horse at Kissimmee, next on the bucket list is DC3 so will drop you a line.
Great story! Thanks for taking the time to share, because it sounds as if time is a rare commodity for you.
Miss Montana in KOXC

... on May 21st I received a credible intel on Miss Montana. She was passing by only one RV hour from my base on her Normandy tour. I didn't have much time before dark and just taxied by :)

I had the pleasure of flying with Miss Montana and Douglas this past July over Montana;

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Come on!

Was I the only one who was expecting a pic of a smokin hot girl next to a smokin hot airplane???

So disappointed..... :)

Seriously - great story.
Was I the only one who was expecting a pic of a smokin hot girl next to a smokin hot airplane???

So disappointed..... :)

Seriously - great story.

Well, you asked for it...the newly crowned Miss Montana Mo Shea in the front office of the old one.