I'm on page 29-9, so you're a bit ahead of me. I just looked at my parts and they are indeed per the drawing you referred to. Looks like they bent your parts in the wrong direction (parallel rather than perpendicular). Email support with photos and they should take care of you (giving me more time to catch up with you).
I went out to look at my parts. It appears that the long single tab (internal tab) is bent the wrong way and the flare on the tab is the wrong direction. I based this on the direction of the "flare" on the oval on the bottom of your piece.

I wonder how many of these parts went out bent the wrong way.
Yup, as good as Vans is at making parts this kind of mistake is not unique. I had something very similar in one of the J-stiffeners in my empennage that wasn't bent correctly, and mine wasn't the only one. I was building at Synergy and one of the other clients had the exact same issue as me.
Vans was very good about getting the proper parts to us, so I suspect they will do the same for you.