
Well Known Member
Hi Folks,

It's finally time to do the first mate of the wings to the fuse; hooray!


The left main spar slid in pretty easily, but the aft spar flange is a bit misaligned from the receiving F-706/F-605 attach fork. See the photos; it looks like 3/32" too long.


Here's the side view.


Anyone else see something like this with their bird?

I battled this with my RV-6. Thought I had a *real* problem.

Turned out that I didn't have the wings exactly perpendicular to the centerline of the fuselage. That'll cause the misalignment problem you see.

In your case, I believe you have induced a little forward sweep, which is causing the misalignment.

Take a breath, go outside and try again, making sure to keep the wings square to the fuselage. I bet they will fit just fine.
Yep, I think Kyle is right. You have to stab the rear spar at the same time as the main spar. With a pre-punched kit, it's hard to imagine how that could be off, so you can save the panic at tick for another day. :rolleyes:

FWIW, I used the bottom half of an office chair (with the back removed) under the wing to help take some of the weight while we jockeyed the wing around.
suggestion for you

Check out post#4 in the thread below. Our club will rent you the tools including a .311 reamer for $25 +shipping (+- 12.50 each way usps priority). Not certain it will work on a 14 but if its the same as a 7 more or less it should fit. Check out pics and call me if interested 702 two seven 8 zero 273.

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I used a piece of .016 like a shoe horn to help get the rear spar to engage. You can remove it easily once you get the spar in there.
I think I had a slight misalignment on one side but it was a non issue.

Reason for post is that the trimming job you did on the rear spar and the fuselage spar stubs look perfect to print. Sorry to say, that will cause slight forward sweep as the wing spar hits the lowest AN470 rivet head and the top of the fuselage stub can hit the wing structure (sorry I can't remember exactly what). So, the top of the wing spar needs a bit more radius and so does the fuselage spar stubs. Not a lot, and the locations don't affect the edge distances that we want to hit.
Thanks all for your advice. I tried mikehoover's suggestion to use the shim (0.032 scrap from the bin)


Worked great! Applying a little giggle and it popped in just fine. Here's the shot with the big bolts in place:


Still gotta provide some relief for that one rivet, but all's good. Thanks for the help.
Be advised to watch for interference between the fork(s) in the fuselage carry-through and the flange on the inboard-most rib. You may have to trim one or the other or both to get the zero sweep you want. (I had to file off just a tad more, while retaining edge distance, of the forward fork).
Be advised to watch for interference between the fork(s) in the fuselage carry-through and the flange on the inboard-most rib. You may have to trim one or the other or both to get the zero sweep you want. (I had to file off just a tad more, while retaining edge distance, of the forward fork).

Yes! Thanks for the admonishment; this seems to be a common issue: forward sweep followed by a bit of filing. No worries there, as far as I can tell for me (so far). I'll install both wings and check and correct for forward sweep prior to drilling.

I'm happy at this stage just to get the aft carry-through mated properly (if a bit proud) I have a good file. ;-)