
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
While the plane was in the paint shop, I built a list of little things to work on upon it's return - ended up with a post-it note full of finishing tasks. One of them was to fix a minor wear spot that I hadn't noticed until recently. It's fairly obvious, but leave it to me to miss it - where the top of the back seat rests on the aluminum bulkhead, expect the paint to be rubbed off the bulkhead! I rarely go into the aft baggage area unless I'm traveling, so I didn't notice it until things were scuffed up a bit.

The fix? Glue some of th felt you have leftover from doing the inside edge of your canopy skirt (where it rubs on the fuselage) onto the flange of the seat back. Now it will no longer go "clang" when the seat drops closed - just a nice soft thud...Cost? Nothing! (if you already have some felt...)

Smooth seat back?


Did you sand, fill, & sand the fiberglass where it contacts the bulkhead? The manual instructs to do this to avoid the wearing that you are describing. I could imagine that this might occur even if the seat was smooth.

Either way, good idea. I'll add that to the list of things to do.

yup, it was filled, sanded, primed,and painted. Actually,it was built up first, to fix a minor but annoying gap. So it wasn't even a case of fiberglass riding on the painted aluminum - it was just good old vibration wear.

You make a good point though - fiberglass makes a GREAT aluminum abrasive!
