
Well Known Member
The first big thunder boomers of the year rolled thru Minne today, including a deadly tornado about 30 miles to the northeast. Ugly as is was, after they cleared out, it was a perfect evening for some sunset photography.

I set up by going all the way up to 2200 ft and leaning the engine way back for loitering. I actually spent much of the flight at 3.1GPH, this must have been during a speed run. The photo shows off the new wrinkled finish on the panel, too.....

The humidity was 99% and that made for some interesting light:

More in the next message........
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Hey Pete - keep the shots coming, it's great motivation for us who are still pounding rivets.

We're in the worst of it right now down here in Iowa. Lots of rain and the tornado sirens just went off!

Are you coming to Boone in June (day before Father's Day)? I really need a 9A ride!


The dew point spread was nil, so there was bound to be fog forming. It did not take long for it to show up....

Here is the fog forming at the airport after landing, very pretty, but 20 min later, we were fogged in.....

Google Earth reports the track with the sun in the correct position:

Final event of the evening was a staged race between my favorite 2 seaters. Notice how the HID landing light outshines everything.....
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Hi Dave

I think I will be coming to Boone if the weather is good. I'll probably drop the little one off in Ames with Nana. We should be able to sneak a ride in. I hope it is a bit cooler this year!
Krylon Wrinkle Finish

Hi Todd,

It is Krylon Wrinkle Finish out of a spray can - I baked it on in an old oven. Looks good and seems to be durable.
Nice Shots!

Very nice pics, as usual Pete!

Louise and I were up in the Twin cities the week before last for some family stuff (had to fly in on NWA...) and the weather was gorgeous then - cool and clear - it always amazes me how nice and clean the atmosphere can be when I am used to cities down here in the south (now)....

Didn't have the time to get with any of you guys that trip - we may be up in September for a few dasy though - kep some nice weather and beautiful sunsets for us!
